
Let's dish Where do I start Has it really been a month since I've posted? Instagram has been my running diary as of late- But man, Have I had some great runs On one run, I found this fairy tree- And it made my heart stop- It reminded me of the elf tree at Lake Harriet Oh that tree is magic! See photos and Read a blog post on it here http://www.sparkles-and-crumbs.com/2013/09/30/lets-run-away-monday-the-lake-harriet-elf-house/ ----- Then there was that run that had me giggling at the geese- Were they playing hide and seek? (See the goose sitting in the tree-so still? While the goose on the ground looks for him- 'Where's Waldo'? The sky was so crazy that day I took a ton of tree pics- Such a menacing sky for such a gorgeous day ----- Then there was the run where I took a new path and found three more miles Love it when that happens ...