
Showing posts from January, 2017


Hello January!  Here we are nearly halfway through it.  I feel like the New Mexico weather is working it's blustery magic on my calendar and blowing through the days. Hubs is traveling more lately, so I feel like we count weeks by when he's home. He's my workout buddy too, and I feel it when he's gone, fighting to keep momentum up in his absence. Today it would be a lunch run. Everything felt right except the weather.  Wind on wind. But I didn't care I'm realizing that if I want it- I've got to stop making excuses and just go. So glad I did  It was wonderful.   

I give up and give in

I give up It's been months now- seeing a footpath on the side of the road and having this feeling that I should be on it.    Driving, and finding myself thinking this road would make a good run route Measuring time in how many miles I could have run...  Oh me-  I think I'm a runner It makes me laugh- I'm not one to describe myself in sporting terms-  Like I'm some athlete or something- but here I am wishing I was that girl I just passed jogging it up the hill.... Surely this is some weird cold weather induced phase I stall things by making a list of what I really should pick up before embarking on this whole running thing again...  Things like socks-  yeah I'm out (my kids realized I bought the good stuff and slowly started stealing them- then losing just one of each pair they stole)  I've got one pair of running shoes left- I really think I should have two...  Silliness like this-  Then I realized I used to run in my hubby's sweats and ...