
Showing posts from July, 2012

A shoe to make your wildest running dreams come true

I've needed new running shoes for quite awhile now. Anybody else get nervous about choosing yet another running shoe? Go ahead- Plunk down a lovely Benjamin, On yet another shoe that will last  maybe the next 200 miles, Fingers crossed it will make your wildest running dreams come true. What if I end up hating them? Panic attack Sigh A trip to my favorite local shoe store   Browns- Is in order. There's something to be said about staying local. And running shoes is a local store must for me- They have seen my crazy feet They know that my left foot is a 5 1/2 My right on the verge of a 6 Both - wicked wide And they don't laugh at my calloused feet Like they did at that 'manicure place' I went to once Flat gave me a complex- that 'buff and paint' place did- As the manicurist called worker after worker over to chat in a foreign language over my feet. Snicker snicker... everyone giggling but m...


Oh my sweet hubby- He can say the funniest things Like when we're walking- and he's walking like a power walker, and I'm out of breath.... It's like he doesn't believe me that I get up while he's still asleep and run.... Because here I am on my little legs trying to keep up with him walking- and I say "slow down, I can't breathe" To which he replies- "Breathing's easy Even babies do it-" Sigh- right you are honey- When I'm running with a faster freind and I'm about to die, out of breath... I repeat it to myself "even babies can....." And I'm calm. Then the other day I come back from a run alllllll excited that I just might be able to run the marathon under 6 hours... Hubby stops brushing his teeth, and says "What's the rush? .... (I love him for thinking 6 hours is rushing) ..."It's not like your some Kenyan runner or anything "-- I have never laughed so hard, o...


Bitty baby run Treadmill Sweat No guilt

Hubby surprise

July 5th, Today my hubby took me on a little hike. Since our move out to the foothills I've been wanting to get out more, and explore. But today, he was the tour guide, and it seemed he knew just where to go. We walked down to where the neighborhood tapers off, and the beauty of the desert begins pinion, and sandstone nothing else And then, just as I was sure we were lost A glimmer winks at me Not sky Not sun But water Water in the middle of nowhere New Mexico is not known for this As a Minnesota transplant, I've learned to love the west But today, I got choked up Hubby was suprised but grinned Yep, he'd got me I'm over the moon 2 mile hike to a lake? Heaven.

7/11 sunrise

I'm a bit behind on posts But the fun of that is I can post a link to the blog post Clare wrote on the same run Read her take on this run HERE Here's mine.... Last Saturday I had an absolutely fabulous run It started earlier than early- Holy snikey early.... But Clare was running 14.... and I had 9 on my plate Early sounded like the respectable thing to do. And it was... when you run early- You run for light We know where the light poles live- that's for sure! And this morning Run for the bathroom 7/11 saved Clare today The convenience store was closed But the gal opening up shop could tell we were harmless and in need I waited outside Didn't want to push her hospitality in overriding protecall Pretended to be a hoity toity architectural photographer with an eye for whatever it is hoity toity photographers have an eye for. my try at an artistic 7/11 photo On we ran As we rounded the bend, I headed one way to finis...


Monday, July 2nd Chart said 8 walked 6 instead How could you not Take your time and just soak the morning in.

Running with the glass half full-

Blogging about running is a blast- it keeps me motivated, I know, I know--- I've been behind on posts lately Not to worry- The runnings been good Blogging let's you write your own story- And I've been known to spin a yarn or two The glass is always half full And sometimes that means changing my perspective What you see----                                                         But if I tilt my phone just so- Running is the same Boredom or beauty Choose to see the beauty It makes the journey that much sweeter