7/11 sunrise

I'm a bit behind on posts
But the fun of that is
I can post a link to the blog post Clare wrote on the same run
Read her take on this run HERE

Here's mine....

Last Saturday I had an absolutely fabulous run
It started earlier than early-
Holy snikey early....
But Clare was running 14.... and I had 9 on my plate
Early sounded like the respectable thing to do.
And it was...
when you run early-
You run for light
We know where the light poles live- that's for sure!
And this morning
Run for the bathroom
7/11 saved Clare today
The convenience store was closed
But the gal opening up shop could tell we were harmless and in need
I waited outside
Didn't want to push her hospitality in overriding protecall
Pretended to be a hoity toity architectural photographer
with an eye for whatever it is hoity toity photographers have an eye for.
my try at an artistic 7/11 photo

On we ran
As we rounded the bend,
I headed one way to finish my 9
Clare another to finish 14

Sun was up
Sky beautiful

How can I be so lucky


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