Just Move Forward
My friend Erica posted on Facebook last night that there would be a new Body Combat class starting in the morning at 5:30 AM –
I got excited-
Time change makes it easy to get back into the early morning exercise routine
With my hubby out of town a group class would make it fun-
-While she posted ‘Body Combat’
I read -‘Body Pump’
Body Pump uses weights, and I’ve done it quite a bit –
I was excited to go
But when I got to class, nobody was setting up –
There were no benches
No bars
Just a bunch of women standing around
I thought “these poor girls they don’t know what to do”
And I started to grab some weights –
Erica said “Hey Heather, this is Combat...”
And then it hit me
Combat was One of the first classes I took five years ago
when I decided to take charge of my healt
That really bad class that made me cry
The class that made me say I can’t
That made me feel like I wasn’t good enough –
Granted- it wasn’t necessarily the class
It was the space in my head.
And when Erica said “this is Combat”
It made all those memories come flooding back
I want to tell you if you are at the beginning
Something as simple as a little class can make you feel like you can’t
I’m here to tell you
You can
Did I kill it in class today?
Not hardly
But I’m in a better place
I’m not so worried about what others are thinking of me
(First of all they’re not)
I’m not self conscious of the crazy that is me
Just thankful for the work that my body can do
The class was great
I will be sore
Erica’s approach to the newness of it was brilliant
During a difficult choreography of punching and kicking
She said “Your body doesn’t sense your confusion, your body only realizes that you’re moving”
I loved her for saying this
For telling us to just go with it
To just move forward
Don’t stop because you’re not good at something
Don’t stop because you think you can’t
Just move forward
Wether that be adding on another mile
Going to that challenging class
Trying something new
Being brave by going it alone
Just move move
Move out of your comfort zone
Test yourself –
You’ll be surprised
There really isn’t anything that you can’t do
Just try
Don’t quit
Keep moving forward