
Showing posts from October, 2012

The 'run in' ---Moll's made me do it.....

Monday,October 29th I've run a few times since my last post. A little begrudgingly, I have to admit. I think it's the season dark in the morning Dark at night Thank heavens were close to  daylight savings Or I think I'd go mad with all this darkness. Today- same story Wake up late No early morning run My littlest, Molly (5) hears me complaining "Let's go to the workout place after school!!!!!" Is her quick response Love her for that Love "the workout place" too,  For making it fun for her to even want to go Kinder is done at noon We drive across the street (I know- how convenient) I pick up a magazine as I walk in the door Never done that before, but I needed the diversion Pick my usual machine It's almost comforting to use the same treadmill each time  Nothing like an old mag and a treadmill My body and mind are on auto pilot I peruse and 8 month old fashion mag I don't e...

Running a marathon doesn't make you a runner

So, I've pretty much come to the conclusion that: Running a marathon doesn't make you a runner. Running does- I know after a race, there is a need to rest But a few days into mine- A fleeting thought crossed my mind It scared me. Made me realize that's how you can run into someone that says, "Oh- yeah- I used to run....." So today I thought it high time I started another training chart ViolinRunning convinced me to use Hanson's Marathon Training Plan Today was a humbling 2 ish miles 2 measly miles Where's the glory in that? After all, hadn't I just run a more respectable 5 on Saturday- But here I am obeying this plan- Check my pace goal Then start out too fast And die halfway through On a two miler You see- I've always hated miles 1-4 In any run So these next 5 weeks, will be a challenge as I run the dreaded 1-4 over and over and over- Until finally in week 6 My chart thinks I'm ready for more Sigh Bu...

The after life-

Life after THE marathon I should really say 'a' marathon Saying 'the' marathon makes it sound like it's going to be the only one. I plan on more The day after was downright funny I will never rush the elderly again I looked like an old lady I felt like an old lady It hurt- And stairs Who knew they could strike fear and trembling! Fam and I went to the Mall of America, It was my idea For me, the best remedy for sore running legs has always been walking Kate laughed at me when it came to the stairs thing... Kate's impersonation of me and stairs post race--- Let's just say it included weeping waling and gnashing of teeth I've never laughed so hard And that made the actual stair pain that much more bearable! Yeah, her impersonation was a bit humilating in a fun way--- Let's just saybacks were SAAWEET When I snapped a moustached pic of them at Claire's  BUSTED! love moms face as the Clair...

Catch-up/clean-up (photos... From unfinished blog posts)

I had a couple unfinished posts from the run up to TCM... Rather than throw them away, I thought I'd share condensed versions- 1. Taper madness- Oh the taper! I had no idea- it could be so crazy! All i wanted to do (and not wanted to do, for that matter) Was RUN! One day after I picked molls up from kinder, she asked to go for a run with me- soooo much fun- I love that she wore my hydration belt, and thought that Cheetos were best for mile 1 fuel!  She started off like a bolt of lightning- only to tire by the next hill - I bribed her w the promise of a surprise - and coaxed a bit more. Soon we were rounding the bend- A lovely outcropping of sandstone towered above her- worth it!  Running with Cheetos???  Cheetos-and Nathans Hydration belt Can we say SERIOUS runner? Oh yeah!  Whoop! Whoop! we made it!    We chug home and...

TCM- in which I suddenly find myself in last place...

For those who hate wordy posts- apologies are in order- feel free to fast forward through and enjoy the pics- but being as this blog serves as my running diary- and I have a wickedly bad memory- a book is in order-- CHAPTER 1:  The Flight~ In which United Airlines makes me gate check my carry on, ~And loses it Yep You read that right I purposely only took a carry on so that my luggage wouldn't get lost Not only did they lose my luggage, They didn't scan the gate check tag- so there was no record of my bag in the system Ackkkkkk! These are the amazing Lost Luggage gals So impressed with their professionalism And helpfulness! Somehow these awesome gals found my wayward bag And drove over and stashed it on my parents' front porch by 2am Saturday night. CHAPTER 2: Expo~ And dinner in which WordQuota obtains multiple celebrity autographs Expo madness!   Expo was a crazy mass of people Ch...