Running a marathon doesn't make you a runner
So, I've pretty much come to the conclusion that:
Running a marathon doesn't make you a runner.
Running does-
I know after a race, there is a need to rest
But a few days into mine-
A fleeting thought crossed my mind
It scared me.
Made me realize that's how you can run into someone that says,
"Oh- yeah- I used to run....."
So today I thought it high time I started another training chart
ViolinRunning convinced me to use Hanson's Marathon Training Plan
Today was a humbling 2 ish miles
2 measly miles
Where's the glory in that?
After all, hadn't I just run a more respectable 5 on Saturday-
But here I am obeying this plan-
Check my pace goal
Then start out too fast
And die halfway through
On a two miler
You see- I've always hated miles 1-4
In any run
So these next 5 weeks, will be a challenge as I run the dreaded 1-4 over and over and over-
Until finally in week 6
My chart thinks I'm ready for more
But I did find the joy-
I was running,
Because I'm a runner
Yep, I said it
I'm a runner
I ran 2 miles today
That proves it.

Running a marathon doesn't make you a runner.
Running does-
I know after a race, there is a need to rest
But a few days into mine-
A fleeting thought crossed my mind
It scared me.
Made me realize that's how you can run into someone that says,
"Oh- yeah- I used to run....."
So today I thought it high time I started another training chart
ViolinRunning convinced me to use Hanson's Marathon Training Plan
Today was a humbling 2 ish miles
2 measly miles
Where's the glory in that?
After all, hadn't I just run a more respectable 5 on Saturday-
But here I am obeying this plan-
Check my pace goal
Then start out too fast
And die halfway through
On a two miler
You see- I've always hated miles 1-4
In any run
So these next 5 weeks, will be a challenge as I run the dreaded 1-4 over and over and over-
Until finally in week 6
My chart thinks I'm ready for more
But I did find the joy-
I was running,

Yep, I said it
I'm a runner
I ran 2 miles today
That proves it.
