Turkey trot - proud mom moment+ personal PR

Saturday November 23rd Today was fantastic Son Ry ran his first 5k My goal for him was that he would have a blast, and come away with a good feeling about the sport Night before jitters Found us Being goofy as we got our race stuff situated- Took him 2 minutes Me 2 hours and a load of laundry Next morning had us up and ready Cheesy grins still in play There's just something about pinning on a race bib, That puts Butterflies in my stomach Ry says he's cool But I can tell he's feeling it too Pre-race selfies We were early So we wandered the porta potties They had a handicapped one that felt like the Taj Mahal, it was amazing (shoulda snapped a pic) Got coffee And tea No hot cocoa???? Really? Wandered a bit more Then went back to the jeep To sit for a bit To keep warm, And cool our jets Sitting there so peaceful like- When BAM!!! Crazy stranger face in my window Scream!!!!! Laugh It's only marathon Mike My wacky brother-in-law Fam in tow We chat A...