Turkey trot - proud mom moment+ personal PR

Saturday November 23rd

Today was fantastic

Son Ry ran his first 5k

My goal for him was that he would have a blast, and come away with a good feeling about the sport

Night before jitters
Found us
Being goofy as we got our race stuff situated-
Took him 2 minutes
Me 2 hours and a load of laundry

Next morning had us up and ready
Cheesy grins still in play

There's just something about pinning on a race bib, 
That puts 
Butterflies in my stomach
Ry says he's cool
But I can tell he's feeling it too

Pre-race selfies
We were early
So we wandered the porta potties

They had a handicapped one that felt like the Taj Mahal, it was amazing (shoulda snapped a pic)

Got coffee 
And tea
No hot cocoa???? Really?

Wandered a bit more

Then went back to the jeep
To sit for a bit
To keep warm, 
And cool our jets

Sitting there so peaceful like-

Crazy stranger face in my window
It's only marathon Mike
My wacky brother-in-law 
Fam in tow

We chat
And laugh

He's enlisted the school basketball team
To run today
He's the coach
Offered a "run the 5k-skip running drills"
Carrot to his guys

Looks like a bunch took him up on it

Bump into friends 
Wave across the way at acquaintances 
Love a local race
Everyone's here

Announcer gives 1 minute warning
Runners jockey for places

I look at ry
He's calm

I'd filled his mind with 
All manner of running advice
He'll probably not need
I know he'll be fine 

Gun goes off

And we do too

He's peeled away from me

Off to run his race

I'm so proud
Twinge of whatever it is a mom feels, 
As you watch your child do something that makes you so proud 

Soon he's in the crowd

And I'm left to run my race

I feel good
My first go at running a race using the run/walk  meathod

Don't get me wrong, 
I walk alllllllllllllll the time with my runs

But never at planned intervals
5/1 is my plan
5 minutes run
1 minute walk
If I feel good, I start running again after 30 seconds

It worked like a charm

I felt in control 
It took the self conscious feeling away
That I usually get when I stop to walk
Or even when I pass someone walking

I got tucked in among 3 ladies

I'd pass them, 
They'd pass me

Little tandem team it seemed
I don't know why, 
But I really wanted to come out ahead of them

That shocked me

I'm not competitive 
I worry I'll frustrate someone
But here I was planning to try to beat them

Shocked me
But made me happy too
For the first time it dawned on me
I've run enough
To know
If they are bothered by me passing them, 
I will help them--- because they speed up
If they do nothing
Then they are glad to have me pass
Rather than breath down their neck

First downhill
Had me
Easily passing them
I wondered why they held back

The next mile had me behind them as they passed me

But I stuck to my drill
Walk run 
And wouldn't you know it
The last down hill
There they were

I had nothing to lose
And I did it!
I passed those gals one by one
Down the home stretch

I made it in
And good time

33-34ish and change (still waiting for official chip time)

My last years time was 37.42

Marathon Mike "high fived" me
Violin running shared my excitement and knew this was a milestone for me-

And there he was
Grinning from ear to ear

I love a post race smile
It's the truest smile there is 

Everyone is happy at the end of a race
Violin Running took a pic of us

We mingled, chatted, got our lunch
And waited 
I love waiting to hear the winners
At a local race
Because chances are you'll know a few 

While the judges did their tallying
The kids had a few fun activities
I made ry volunteer for the turkey gobble contest- to try to have the best turkey gobble-
(Crowd was the judge on that one- and I knew we had a bunch of friends that would cheer him to victory) 

He was a good sport
And a funny gobbler too

Needless to say, our crowd clapped him to victory
This hat was his prize- 
Oh yeah
Now that's turkey gobble bragging rights!

Then came long awaited results 
In rys age group, one of his friends won 1st! 
We clapped and cheered for E. 
2nd place whent to a guy ry told me he'd tried to beat, but couldn't quite keep up- 
Then out of nowhere- I hear Ry's name

He'd snagged 3rd place! 
Ry and E. 

Marathon Mike snagged a place too
I don't know how he does it- 
After all- Mike had told me Sunday, he was going to just 'jog it in'

That's some jogging!!!!

Even Violin running and her hubby Gutter Runner placed

Only theirs came with free shoes!
(From my favorite shoe store Browns)
They did
They placed 
In top 3 overall winners for both men's and women's-

Snagged this quick pic of her and the other gals as they walked down

As we drove home 
Ry and I had the best chat
About the race
The course
His sore calves
We shared a laugh about something runners would laugh about, but I can't remember now what it was

I do remember this
This has got to be one of the funnest (yes I know that's not a word) 
Funnest days 

My heart is so full
So happy
And I am so proud
It's good to be this momma today-
Very good indeed


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