I've thought about picking this blog back up again for a while.

I feel a bit like a cheater if I do, as I'm not running long distances lately. 
I do miss the running, maybe blogging will pull me back into logging some miles. I do miss the diary effect this blog served for so long. 

So here we are. 

Why not?

Thursday, September 8th, 2016
Today I made wild rice for lunch. 

I think in my book that means it's officially fall. 
My mom had this great tradition of making wild rice soup. 
She's the Minnesota mom you wish you had. 
2 parts hardcore and 99% love. 
yeah that makes no mathmatical sense, but neither does mothering- You just go for it with all your might and hope to not mess things up. 

But, I digress, today we're talking wild rice, and I DID mess things up. 
I'm out of butter, no cream to be had, no ham....

So I just boil it till they pop- please tell me everyone does this---- if you don't boil that wild rice til it pops, you are flat missing out. 

I'm searching the cupboard for something to finesse it- find an opened package of stroganoff seasoning (yes- I know that's disgusting... I bought it in a moment of weakness, opened it a few weeks ago, and thought better of it---- put it back in the cupboard for a desperate day--- and today is that day)

I throw the chunky powder into the rice... 
now it needs something to help that... milk? 
dump.... stir...
cheese is in order to cut the saltiness of the fake stroganoff taste
yes cheese is salty too----that's why I added yet more milk... 

Italian seasoning? Check.
Red wine vinegar? Check......

by now the pantry has been exhausted by my scrambling and pawing. 
I'm exhausted by my lack of return for effort. 

One stringy plateful served.

Good thing hubby's out of town and doesn't have to choke this down
Good thing I don't have to cook dinner tonight
Kids don't care, right?!?!
Think I can pull it off?
I can hear molls now.....


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