
Showing posts from June, 2014

New trail

My little man cub had football conditioning tonight. I raised my hand at the dinner table and said  "I'll take you! Pick me pick me!!!" 'Cause I knew it meant guilt free running time for me I wore my new trusty running skirt sans capris- it was hot and I'm over being self conscious of the whole legs out thing...  Deposited man cub at practice,  And off I went-  First stop- the park It has a nice half mile path and lots of trees  The run was easy   People were happy  Picnicking, playing  I soaked it in Legs out Feeling almost confident See my granny tan?!? That's what I get for wearing capris allllll the time! I ran that a few times, but soon tired of the rat race a half mile loop affords-  I headed back I thought I'd run the college But as I neared,  I saw this foot path   I'd seen it before and always wondered Today I'd find out where it went...

Flip a switch and go on a Dark Run-

So I have this thing called a marathon coming up I swear it's my last And since technically you only have one shot at running your last marathon I've got to do this one right. Right? I was going to complain about how I'm not motivated And already burnt out on running Although I don't know how I could be burnt out when I'm not even running Pity me blah blah blah But last night around 9:30pm A switch flipped Annnnnnnd there it was I got the running bug Holy hallelujah That's what I'm talking about So excited There was nothing left to do but get geared up and head out For a dark run Now there's something about a dark run E ven better if the dark is at night Morning runs are meticulously planned I don't remember the last time  I accidentally woke up at 4  And decided to randomly head out to run But a night run? Now that's a bit of heaven   There's something spontaneous You don't plan Th...

Lost and found

Ok guys Here's the rub I have forever--- and I mean forever Been one to be thoughtful of other runners Not just runners either, come to think of it I've been thoughtful of the whole human race And maybe dog or two that might happen to care But not anymore Nope I've gone shameless And I blame it on the cleaning lady. It all started innocently enough The family packed up for a fun trip I packed everything but the kitchen sink Trusty capris and running skirt that have been with me since day one- Packed. I know this- Because I vaguely remember unpacking them And putting them into the drawers at our hotel But the second day into our vacay They're gone No capris. No running skirt. Really? I rummage through everyone else's drawers-my suitcase Nada Did the cleaning lady gank it or what? Lucky for me, there's a Target Great I rummage through their running stuff Try on a gazillion capri and running skirt combos (that's a lie- t...

I need to see you out there- that is all

Hey you-- Yes,  you Old guy with the fanny pack and white sneakers trucking up that hill, arms swinging  You Teenie bopper short shorts running to 'be seen' You  Stroller momma, with your magician like slight of hand reaching to reinsert a pacifier without so much as a hiccup in your stride You Big guy catching your breath at the light Willing yourself to cross the road rather than turn back toward home You  Faster than fast couple training together At record pace You  Inspire me Please don't stop I need to see you  Dedicated Smiling  Undeterred Fighting to not quit Smashing personal goals Out there That is all