Lost and found

Ok guys
Here's the rub
I have forever--- and I mean forever
Been one to be thoughtful of other runners
Not just runners either, come to think of it
I've been thoughtful of the whole human race
And maybe dog or two that might happen to care

But not anymore


I've gone shameless

And I blame it on the cleaning lady.

It all started innocently enough
The family packed up for a fun trip

I packed everything but the kitchen sink
Trusty capris and running skirt that have been with me since day one-

I know this-
Because I vaguely remember unpacking them
And putting them into the drawers at our hotel

But the second day into our vacay
They're gone
No capris. No running skirt.
I rummage through everyone else's drawers-my suitcase
Did the cleaning lady gank it or what?

Lucky for me, there's a Target


I rummage through their running stuff
Try on a gazillion capri and running skirt combos
(that's a lie- they had 2 running skirts and 3 capri styles to choose from)
Choke down the bill
And head back to the hotel.

New running gear feels funny

But I had been informed via Facebook, that it was national running day
I had a reputation to keep.

Kids and I headed to the rec center
Up the stairs to the track

We ran all of 4 laps
When this nice lady tells us no kids are allowed

We head back to the hotel and swim
I try to console my inner runner by trying my hand at water running
That was weird

2 hours of said "running" later,
I'm done
(it was probably more like 45 minutes when you add in the kid dunking and such, but who's counting?)

Fast forward to the next morning
I want to go for a run
Go to grab my newly acquired running gear
You guessed it


But nope-
No capris 
Just that silly running skirt,

Those of you that know me 
It took me nearly 37 years to go sleeveless
Going capri-less?
I never let my legs hang out
This is too much

But I did.

It. was. scary.

And while it's not in my comfort zone
It was comfortable

I'd been wearing so many layers for so long
To hide the world from seeing my imperfect fluffy-ness

When what I was really hiding from was myself. 

To be fair:
No capris were ganked by cleaning ladies
It took me nearly a week to find them 
Innocently hanging out among the travel laundry

I wouldn't have it any other way.


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