You are powerful you are strong

Ok folks

Can you hear it?

"You are powerful! You are strong!"

My running buddy yelled it to me as I lagged behind at the bottom of the hill on one of our runs.

I hear it every time I run now
Sometimes I roll my eyes
Sometimes I giggle

But once or twice 
When running alone

I've whispered it to myself....

"You are powerful- you are strong!"

And then smile the biggest toothy grin I can hardly muster
On account of my protecting them from kicked up road gravel, bugs and all

Ever had a friend that really ought to be a coach?

I have one- 
There was the run where she added on an extra quarter mile for kicks and giggles annnnnd so we could give that final push and run it in...
Lover her for it.

I started this post 6/16/14
Should have finished it sooner... 
should have posted it and tagged her
But I fell off running.
Never quite told her how much it meant

The new year had her packing up
Job moved the family away... 

But don't feel sorry for me. 
We still chat- 
Told her I was starting back in
And wouldn't you know it...
She's still golden
We'll be throwing down some miles together a thousand miles apart. 

Powerful stuff...


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