Fire Sunset

First long run

Let’s just say there’s a confidence that comes in running a few 3 milers- 
You get a little cocky and the muscle memory of it all starts coming back


But does it really matter?
You haven’t run in ages 
Just getting out is a feat

You hand out high-fives
Claim to the world that you’re back

And take your rest day like you’re a king
Complete with way too many chocolate chip cookies

Then comes Saturday 

Well, Friday night comes first
You’ve got 6 miles on your mind
And you dice it to cut it down to size
You plan to run 3 miles then double back

How hard can that be
Aside from the fact that the first couple 3 and 4 had you 
Sucking air
Side stitched
Legs like lead

No biggie

Outfit picked
Even threw some KT tape on the ball of your foot
On account of it trying to blister


Saturday sunrise
Sleep in
Life happens
Too hot to afternoon it

Sleep in
All the things
Packing packing packing for the cabin
And drive

The day is getting away
I tell hubs at dinner
My plan
Kids clean up dinner
I go for a run
He agrees

Lace up
And out

The cabin sits on quite the incline
They don’t call it Middle Mountain for nothing

I ask hubs if he’ll let me run from the cabin
And finish below
He’ll come and snag me at the end and save me from the run back up

Call it what you will
I’m getting this run in

Hubs starts the run with me
I don’t run well with others
My run is as fast as their walk
It used to bug the snot out of me
But I’m older now 

Its fun having him beside me
He runs mile one and turns toward home

Yes, he runs that hill back up
While I run on

The road by the lake is breathtaking
I love how the lake reminds you it’s a living breathing thing

This year we have drought
The lakes shore receded farther than I’ve ever seen
Still the beauty is there

Fires over the mountain rage on
The sky filled with smoke
Makes the sunset blaze

I run to the sound of birds
And swing 
Ella, and Louise, and big bands cheer me on

Fire fighters heading back to camp pass by
I wave, thankful 

How can I feel tired, hot
I’m merely out for fun

No complaining here
The sky makes me stop, in awe

Hubs and I agreed I’d run to the stables
We’d thought that would be the 4-5 mile mark

It’s only 3
I text that I’ll just run it home and turn back

The road I’d taken was slightly uphill
Now I feel it’s power as I get my second wind 
My pace feels more steady

Maybe its the descent
Or the firefighters  reminder of harder things

The run back feels strong
My pace is more steady
Less stopping

I hit the 5 mile mark and feel accomplished

I take a walk break

Hub’s truck is ahead
He rolls the window 
Water bottle in hand

A smile that makes me know he’s proud

5.38 miles
Was to be 6
But who’s counting

I get in the truck
He floors it up the hill to home
Where the hammock and sunset await.

Sent from my iPad


Dave said…
It feels so good to read. I'm so looking forward to that first 6 (ish) miler after this knee thing.

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