Horsing around running barefoot

So it's mother's day--
And all I can think about is how my kids are growing up
I need to capture this time before it's gone forever.
And then Moll's asks me to go for a run.
I'm in the middle of cooking eggs and bacon- hash browns too
Not the run worthy-est of times.

"Run with  me mommy!"  She says
"I promise I'm fast!" She adds,
As if to reassure me we can make it around the block before the eggs burn.

She'd just gotten a stick pony for her birthday,
The gift she'd been hoping upon hope to get.
Prancing around the house with it, she'd discovered it gave her power to go fast.
Anxious to prove it was no mere accident, a jaunt with mom was in order.

"Come on! Run with me mommy!" She says again.
Cook top on low, we head out.

Pony is fast-
I'm surprised by Molly's stamina.
She claims it's not her- it's her horse.

Long side of a block down, I stop to turn back.
But Moll's would have none of it.

"Keep running mommy!"
"Run ALLLLL the way around the block!"
"We can do it- my pony's fast!"

We do
We are.
Fast enough for crispy bacon
Eggs on the dry side of almost burnt.
But we made it.

Hubby thinks I'm daft.

Deep down I know he gets it too.

Except the barefoot part.

Yep, she did

Ran barefoot the whole way.
Stopped once to pop a stray gravel out from between her toes, laugh, and gallop on.


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