
Oh my sweet hubby-

He can say the funniest things

Like when we're walking- and he's walking like a power walker, and I'm out of breath....

It's like he doesn't believe me that I get up while he's still asleep and run....
Because here I am on my little legs trying to keep up with him walking- and I say "slow down, I can't breathe"
To which he replies-

"Breathing's easy
Even babies do it-"

Sigh- right you are honey-

When I'm running with a faster freind and I'm about to die, out of breath... I repeat it to myself

"even babies can....."

And I'm calm.

Then the other day I come back from a run alllllll excited that I just might be able to run the marathon under 6 hours...

Hubby stops brushing his teeth, and says
"What's the rush? ....
(I love him for thinking 6 hours is rushing)
..."It's not like your some Kenyan runner or anything "--

I have never laughed so hard, or loved him so much....


Unknown said…
Hey Heather, I didn't know you were a fellow blogger. I'm following now. Come see me at sometime when you've got a minute.

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