18 miles and a camping trip- Is it Christmas? Best weekend ever!

Saturday, August 25th Oh this run- I've just got to tell you about it I ran 18 miles Holy hallelujah 18 miles Oh yeah, you who secretly eye-roll with your polite- "good for you" while biting your tongue to ask- "but how long did it take?" HUSH I'll get to that later For now let me bask in this one thing I ran 18 miles!!!! And if I can Guess what- Anybody can. So go google yourself a running chart already and get going! Man, I'm so on cloud nine I can't even stand it. ********************************** The run started off about a half hour late. 5am My alarm started yelling at me at my usual 3:30am But it was no match for my well trained snooze button pusher I coaxed another hour out of that silly thing Ate a lovely quick breakfast- two slices of Great Harvest's Cinnamon Chip bread slathered with butte...