18 miles and a camping trip- Is it Christmas? Best weekend ever!

Saturday, August 25th

Oh this run-
I've just got to tell you about it


I ran 18 miles


Holy hallelujah
18 miles

Oh yeah,
you who secretly eye-roll with your polite-
"good for you"
while biting your tongue to ask-
"but how long did it take?"
I'll get to that later
For now let me bask in this one thing
I ran 18 miles!!!!

And if I can

Guess what-

Anybody can.
So go google yourself a running chart already and get going!

Man, I'm so on cloud nine I can't even stand it.
The run started off about a half hour late.
My alarm started yelling at me at my usual 3:30am
But it was no match for my well trained snooze button pusher
I coaxed another hour out of that silly thing

Ate a lovely quick breakfast-
two slices of Great Harvest's Cinnamon Chip bread slathered with butter
A little indulgent, yes,
But it made me happy,
And I needed happy-
My last few long runs had left me demoralized and fatigued beyond measure.
So happy was in order, even if the only 'happy' of the day might be an indulgent breakfast

A quick search of my drawer found me out of energy beans for mid-run fuel-
Oh no!!!!

That's when I remembered raisins

They would have to pitch-hit for me today.

Up and out, I make a final decision on my route.
I've never done this before-

I would run a loop multiple times
This is out of my comfort zone in one sense
I've often yawned at my brother-in-law 'marathon' mike, who does this
"Aren't you bored running in circles?"
I'd chide.
And here I am choosing to do just that,
But I saw the value in chosing this course today
I'm often thrown off focus by running 'willie nillie' all over town.
A 5 mile loop I would run 3 times,
Then add on to the last loop to get to 18
The five mile loop proved a good strategy-
It broke the run in three parts
My 'failure mile' as of late has been mile 10
I was determined this run would have none of that-

First loop went great
Second loop began swimmingly,
But in the back of my mind, I knew mile 10 was coming,
What to do?

A diversion was in order

I challenged myself to a burping contest-

Yep, I did---

Oh, and in case you were wondering-
I accepted the challenge


wait for it.........................

I WON!!!!!!

Proud moment for me- yes
And mile 10 never more fun.

Mile 10 down, one more loop to go

As I got to the 13.75 mark, who should be running towards me down Pinion Hills, but my very own brother in law 'Marathon Mike' ---

If he's running Pinion-----
That means he's running his 20+++ mile route today-

I grin as we pass and wave
He grins and waves back.

So fun to be caught running-

Only three miles left to go-
Time to take stock
Like it's inventory time at Walmart

  • Legs- check
Sore, but strong

  • Feet- check
Ummm feet do hurt on the top of the foot by the laces

Come to think of it-
Lower calves by ankles feel extremely fatigued and sore, almost swollen..

Come to think of it-
I feel kinda bad

Am I dizzy?

And there goes the mind

Wander wander------

But today I realized it-
And start counting

Lately I've found counting a great tool for me to stay focused
If it's really hard work I count to 4 over and over

Kind of hard- I count to 8

Hard, and I need a goal to keep me from stopping-
Count to 4 or 8 and keep track how many groups of 4 or 8....
I usually do this to 10 and start again---

Dialogue goes something like this:
"just count to 10, before you take a break-

You get the picture

Speaking of pictures,
I hadn't even taken one!

I head into the college and snap a few to make the run complete

Then, before I knew it-

I'd made it!
I ran 18
Total running time:

I didn't die
I kinda liked it

And the Endorphins
Oh the Endorphins

This is why I run

This is why you should

I get home
Shower and cold bath with jets

Hubby decides we should go camping
So we do

I throw on some compression socks
Head to the mountains

Memories made
Photos to prove it

me and hubby
Kids by lake Vellecito, CO


Monday, August 27th

Today I ran 7 miles on the treadmill

Hubby had to be up and out early-
I didn't want to get up and out at 3

So I ran at Defined Fitness after I dropped the kids off to school

Legs weren't tired
Breath was strong

Mind was weak
wanted to stop


I watched Fashion Police on the TV while I ran

I can't help it-
Joan Rivers makes me laugh

It's going to be a good day
A very good day......


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