
the road less traveled makes for a wonderful run

Been running alot lately
Most are great runs,
Others-not so much

One things for sure-
Marathon training is quite a commitment


since I'm behind on my posts
I thought I'd share photos from the last few weeks

and catch you up....


when you are getting tired,
a beautiful trail makes a great diversion
oh how I wish you could see this veiw-
no picture can quite capture it's magic
This is high above the houses below
notice how rolling the hills are-
see the road high up at the top?
 I tried it on a treadmill---
never had so much fun--
but the gal at the front desk sure smiled when I left-
Didn't think anyone was watching

I run these guys alllll over town
I love their confidence

I have made peace with "dark runs"
Never in a million years would I have thought I would be able to consistently
Answer the call at 3:30am to lace up
It makes me wish I were faster
My training runs are averaging 2 hours a piece during the week
Usually I'm running 5 days

I never tire of this shot-
My favorite "dark run" spot

As much as we love to hate them,
They really have helped me get miles in
and work on continuity 

There's something  almost sculptural
to these machines
This is a bug I saw on my first 16 miler
Brutal training run, I might add
I think he's pretty
I've never seen a bug like this one

Another friend from that wicked 16 miler-
This guy was so nice
I was bent over in agony
just wanting to die,
And there he was
He stayed by my side like that
Until I was able to continue my run
Lifted my spirits

My two girls take violin lessons from  Violinrunning
Our first lesson of the school year Tennille said the most honest thing:

"Practice makes permanent"

Something else to think about, when I really want to just snail it.....

Practice makes permanent---
better do it right every day
I do believe I have the best running sky
This photo is from one of the most enjoyable
Hard runs I've had in a while
I found myself singing old camp non-sense songs
The favorite of the day being:
"Alice Where are You Going"
And my last pics are from my short visit to Minneapolis
I can't believe I didn't blog about it sooner

I have to admit
When I went for a run on "The Drive"
I was jealous
Did you know you could run upwards of 50 miles
All paved
Drinking fountains and gazebos dotting the way
Let that soak in
How could anyone NOT be a runner in MPLS?

And then----

I think I only ran once or twice the whole visit


So I snapped these photos
To remind me~
We all have beauty and convenience before us for the taking
If we just open our eyes to the road ahead
And get out there.

Where will your road take you?


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