Moon and sunrise

Sunday September 16th,

Sundays hold a tradition of sorts-

A Berg Park walk with friends-

Usually it's just Mrs. C and me.
Our weekly ritual filled with plenty of chatter, and the occasional detour, my favorite being the time we took the wrong trail, and ended up in a cow pasture.
This week Mrs. A was joining us too....

Often, I'll try to get up a bit early and throw in a pre-walk Sunday run. My 'Sunday loop' as I dubbed it, (when that's all it was used for)- has become a bit shop worn during the past few month's marathon training.

So Saturday night, I asked if hubby wanted to go for a 'pre-walk' walk with me.

He'd hinted at wanting to in the past-

"wake me tomorrow when you're ready"
Was his response...

I think that's a yes...

Alarm set, we fall off to sleep
Next thing I know- the silly thing is going off-
Really? Up all ready?


Guilt sets in-
'what if he REALLY wanted an early morning walk?'

Up and dressed,
I wake him

He's surprised...
As if he thought I wouldn't have the guts to take him up on his: "wake me up when you're ready-" offer

He's a trooper, and soon we're up and out.

I love this-
Only the moon is up.

We talk about how silly it seems I drive each early run, rather than start from home- plenty of light here-

Then it went black-

The space between street lights began to stretch farther than a dark run should allow.

We quicken our pace, sure to see a fox or a coyote---- but, only a bunny surfaces, meaning- no predators here.

The walk is sweet-
Nothing deep
Just small talk and bits of silence-

Time was up-

We head home-

I head to Berg
Another walk,
This time sunrise fills in the blanks


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