The Yeller, Bike cop, Elvis & First Place Photo op----Time to start planning the next big thing

Saturday, December 15th

It's been forever since I've blogged....


I'd like to say it's because
It's dark
It's cold
And I'm a bit unmotivated.
Which is all true-

Mostly because there's been a lack of photo ops as I throw down treadmill miles

The treadmill has been my little drill sergeant
Ever faithful he spins never stopping
As I run
'Jumping-jack hop' to the edges
Catch my breath
Jump gingerly back on
and run some more

So when I hear our little town is throwing it's first ever Reindeer Romp...
I secretly think this is the one to skip.....

Until my sis-in-law "Marathon Mike's wife texts me that Brown's, my all time favorite shoe store, has an extra entry

No excuses  now

There's nothing so motivating as the thought of having to run in front of God and everybody,
Makes me wish I'd trained harder...

Just barely get to the start
The announcer is calling a 3 minute warning.

Snap pics
Trying to get a photo or two

Starting lineup
We're off.
The fast runners bolt
All my friends are up at the front.

I let them go

I have decided
To consider myself a journalistic runner.
Running for story
For the experience.

I love to people watch

love this shot of the crowd,
Notice the mom in the orange jacket holding her sons hand
Loved running behind them throughout the race
she was encouraging him on the whole way~

A great sea of people running together
Some are friends, who signed up on a whim
Others, family- ready to begin a new tradition

The dynamics of a race are varied
It's interesting to see how people respond to the adrenaline
Some run on ahead,
Then stop impatiently, to yell for their other half to catch up

While others sleflessly slow their pace to allow togetherness and memories to take hold.

I selfish-ly slow
Merely to catch my breath

And curse the dreaded 5k

I'm not one to like to be rushed,
Often 'fashionably' late-
I chafe at the thought of hurry

And that is all a 5k is about
Hurry hurry hurry

No time to stop.

The motorcycle cop hovers
As if to warn us we at the back of the pack
Are dangerously close to being slapped with the 'walking' label

I pick up the pace,
And focus on the girl ahead of me with the crazy Christmas tree socks
She's 'The Yeller'
Running what seems like a half a mile ahead of her friend
Only to stop and strain her eyes somewhere past me--
In search of the offending friend who dared stop for air-
Yelling her name--- with a
"Come on, RUN-- Hurry Up!"

I pity her,
But secretly obey 'The Yeller'
And hurry it up-
Just in case bystanders mistake me for the slowpoke.

Soon,  it was over.
There is no better feeling than crossing a finish line.

I chatted it up with my friends and fam.

Found out that Violinrunning won 1st in overall women's

BlueSkyGirl's son won 3rd for his age division.

Ethan and his mom Stephanie
BlueSkyGirl & Co.

The Cooltones braved the cold to serenade us-

Hot cocoa
A couple of great tunes from the band stand

We're talking training  20 weeks from now
Planning for the next big thing.

I wouldn't have it any other way.

Women's 1st place Tennille (aka-Violinrunning) and me


kathrynellen said…
So....Shiprock? I love your posts!

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