Miserable Run, with some 'Glory Hallelujah' in the Middle

Monday, January 28th Monday, Monday How in the world did I survive you? So tired this morning Get hubby off to work Then flounder with getting kids up and out "Get in the car!" "We're going to be late!" "Get in the car!" I yell in my cheeriest mom voice Kids scramble I rush Sigh We're slow but not late for school's start Weather Drippy rain Wind I round the corner to the school and see my sis-in-law Jen, Running Eeek! So happy for her I've got my running gear on too Was thinking to treadmill it, on account of the rain Maybe I should hurry, and try to catch up with her Fling jeep doors open To deposit kids at school Discover Molls forgot to put on shoes REALLY???? How do you forget shoes? sigh I do the math 18 minutes home 18minutes back Oh wait I...