Run of the mill-

Tuesday, January 15th

Been a good week so far

Monday had 8 miles on the books

Tuesday 5miles

Treadmilled them

I had half a mind to not even acknowledge these silly machine runs-

There's something plastic about a treadmill run-

But it's cold- (for NM)
And I'm not in a baconator mood (I'll let ViloinRunning take that prize)
And I am 'running'

Albeit humorous running when you almost fall offfffff the back-
Because you misjudged just how fast an 8 minute mile is---(for me)

Nothing pushes the pace better than an accelerator button-
"Anybody can be fast"-(I say to myself with teenager-like lethargy)
"Watch this---" (hits the arrow up)
Famous last words

Oh yeah-
I was one of those guys
I know---
You really should be sorry you missed it

After a good laugh with the random stranger gal next to me,
I dropped it to a more accessible pace-

The chuckle was fun-
Think I smiled and giggled the rest of the time---
Mindlessly watching E's Golden Globe red carpet rerun---

That was Monday-

Tuesday I needed a laugh too-

Lucy fit the bill
I love Lucy....

I secretly want her shoes
Her dress
Her hair

So cute

I love how every body's always fighting

And the jokes---
My dad could use her one-liner repertoire
To fill out his slapstick routine-

Five miles logged

Random stranger gal compliments my fluffy running hair,
As I pinned its craziness into a 'Lucy-esque' updo, for sake of time.

Rush off to work
Glad and happy.


Pam said…
Hi Heather, Good to hear you're still active even, in such cold weather. I happen to think this kind of weather is considered cold,!I was ready for spring by the solstice...keep enjoying being young and strong. The years pass quickly, and treadmills are not longer for exercise but instead, used to test the heart. Hopefully, running will keep you young longer. At least until the kids become teenagers. That's when we all start to get old. Keep blogging! I love the fast-paced, positive vibe that characterizes your blog. God bless! Pam

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