Southwest Winter
my trusty laptop has been a bit lonely as of late-
So has the road
Lack of motivation
Chilly temps
Hubby's new early work schedule
Excuses everywhere
Not running is fast becoming the new 'norm'
It scared me
I make myself run on the treadmill at my gym
It doesn't feel human
No spark of imagination
simply marking miles.
I worry this is my life.
I decide to take a road run
Not going to lie
It was hard
But there was something about the air
The sky
That made me remember
Miles 1-3
I stop every1/4 mile to huff and puff
then shuffle
And run again
This is me
Nothing new here
But it's OK
I keep myself from the usual chiding
Bemoaning my slowness
And embrace the fact that I like to not feel rushed
I like to stop and walk
I like forgetting the clock
Running on my terms
By myself
Even being so brazen as to call it running
Makes me feel daring
I smirk
The fun is back
I relax into my new found rhythm
I am not alone
Little tracks along the way
Cheer me on
fellow runners leave their mark |
I ask myself why it took me so long to get out
But isn't that how it always is
You have to be ready
You have to want it
The rest of the run has me in awe of the beauty around me
Southwest Winter |
Snow Topped Mountains |
It's going to be a good year
A very good year.......
Gives me hope I can do a little more of this training stuff!
Thanks for all the encouragement!