
Showing posts from February, 2013

You have to be skinny, fast--- WHAT?!?! Take a hike!

I'm half afraid to write Seems of late, each time I write about a fabulous running streak The momentum dies Radio silence Not one ounce of oomph Motivation -nada But there's just so much to tell you And after a week of pure non-running exhaustion (Funny- how NOT running makes you soooo tired) The running has begun again in earnest. Writing- not so much But I will be thankful for this moment And jot a few thoughts. Mostly to those who think they- "Hate to run" "Can't run" "Used to run" "Need to loose weight to run" "Aren't fast enough to run" This post is for you- And for those of you who choose to read Even though these are not your obstacles anymore Add a comment to encourage these guys! ___________________________________ If I were honest with myself- I'm a jogger But when I'm out- I'm "running" my hardest I feel so alive, I feel invincible. The cars are ...

smart phone- loop link- tell me you've been looking for it too---

This post is written for posting on the Runner's World Loop site. I always write here... then copy and paste If you're a runner, and haven't read blogs on The Loop Check it out- It's pretty amazing. Tuesday, February 5th, I did not run today Monday night had me deciding to take Tuesday off It felt glamorous A little daring But I needed a rest. without guilt. A planned day off is glorious I've been on a fairly steady running gig of late Sorry I've been such a slug about posting You see I absolutely am jazzed about sharing The fun, that is a wordquota run Full of photos and rambling But guilt was setting in For some silly reason, Since Runner's World changed formats I couldn't find 'The Loop' with my phone The old book mark was broken Google was no help- Even the emails that brought me to your comments on my posts Had no link taking me back to yours..... Very one sided I felt a little ostentatious throwing out ...