You have to be skinny, fast--- WHAT?!?! Take a hike!
I'm half afraid to write
Seems of late, each time I write about a fabulous running streak
The momentum dies
Radio silence
Not one ounce of oomph
Motivation -nada
But there's just so much to tell you
And after a week of pure non-running exhaustion
(Funny- how NOT running makes you soooo tired)
The running has begun again in earnest.
Writing- not so much
But I will be thankful for this moment
And jot a few thoughts.
Mostly to those who think they-
"Hate to run"
"Can't run"
"Used to run"
"Need to loose weight to run"
"Aren't fast enough to run"
This post is for you-
And for those of you who choose to read
Even though these are not your obstacles anymore
Add a comment to encourage these guys!
If I were honest with myself-
I'm a jogger
But when I'm out-
I'm "running" my hardest
I feel so alive,
I feel invincible.
The cars are all smiling at me as they drive past
What is making them so smirky?
I see my shadow on the pavement
The slow shuffle of a jogger waves back at me
A jogger trying desperately to run
It is comical at times.
I slow to a walk.
Ever notice a walker?
They're walking
You don't say
"Wonder what they're training for-"
Or check their shoes to confirm their commitment to the sport.
Walking is safe.
But take that pace up a notch,
And suddenly you have something to prove.
Don't tell me you don't feel it.
I talk with non-running friends-
They have reasons
Not to
wrapped in the belief that you have to be "special" to run
Runners are skinny
Runners are fast
Runners are-------------------
Think about those common misconceptions
Nothing but excuses for regular people to exclude themselves
It's safer that way.
Easier to not even try
Than to try, and find yourself mediocre at best
Ever met someone with an insane love for a hobby, but they were horrible at it?
They make us smile
Like my kids, trying their hand at cartwheels in the grass
Or my nephew's first few swimming lessons
Total and complete hilariousness!
Do I tell them to stop?
Stop all the flailing and trying?
No way!
I cheer them on
I smile at the joy
Admire the drive
Relish the determination
Do I discourage their courage, because I know they won't ever be the next Gabby Douglas or Michael Phelps?
But that's exactly what we do to ourselves everyday
Exclude ourselves from something that intrigues us
Lest we try and fail
For some, it might be picking up an instrument they've wanted to teach themselves to play
Others, to make a quilt
Take up camping
So many right and wrong ways to begin
We freeze-
Tuck the idea away for another day,
A day that will never come.
Because, if you never even try
You'll never ever know
Or if you try,
With preconceived notions
And quit because you're worried, you'll do it wrong
You'll never find the joy
That's why we do things- in the first place
Running has become my hobby.
It is really fun
It makes me crabby when it doesn't go the way I think it should
It's hard
But so rewarding
And if I let it,
And don't over think it
It gives me joy....
Yesterday I took my kids to one of my favorite spots
I've been wanting for over a year now to take this hike with them
Oldest was not impressed by the word "hike"
I hoped upon hope it would be fun
It was cold
A bit muddy
You never know till you try

Seems of late, each time I write about a fabulous running streak
The momentum dies
Radio silence
Not one ounce of oomph
Motivation -nada
But there's just so much to tell you
And after a week of pure non-running exhaustion
(Funny- how NOT running makes you soooo tired)
The running has begun again in earnest.
Writing- not so much
But I will be thankful for this moment
And jot a few thoughts.
Mostly to those who think they-
"Hate to run"
"Can't run"
"Used to run"
"Need to loose weight to run"
"Aren't fast enough to run"
This post is for you-
And for those of you who choose to read
Even though these are not your obstacles anymore
Add a comment to encourage these guys!
If I were honest with myself-
I'm a jogger
But when I'm out-
I'm "running" my hardest
I feel so alive,
I feel invincible.
The cars are all smiling at me as they drive past
What is making them so smirky?
I see my shadow on the pavement
The slow shuffle of a jogger waves back at me
A jogger trying desperately to run
It is comical at times.
I slow to a walk.
Ever notice a walker?
They're walking
You don't say
"Wonder what they're training for-"
Or check their shoes to confirm their commitment to the sport.
Walking is safe.
But take that pace up a notch,
And suddenly you have something to prove.
Don't tell me you don't feel it.
I talk with non-running friends-
They have reasons
Not to
wrapped in the belief that you have to be "special" to run
Runners are skinny
Runners are fast
Runners are-------------------
Think about those common misconceptions
Nothing but excuses for regular people to exclude themselves
It's safer that way.
Easier to not even try
Than to try, and find yourself mediocre at best
Ever met someone with an insane love for a hobby, but they were horrible at it?
They make us smile
Like my kids, trying their hand at cartwheels in the grass
Or my nephew's first few swimming lessons
Total and complete hilariousness!
Do I tell them to stop?
Stop all the flailing and trying?
No way!
I cheer them on
I smile at the joy
Admire the drive
Relish the determination
Do I discourage their courage, because I know they won't ever be the next Gabby Douglas or Michael Phelps?
But that's exactly what we do to ourselves everyday
Exclude ourselves from something that intrigues us
Lest we try and fail
For some, it might be picking up an instrument they've wanted to teach themselves to play
Others, to make a quilt
Take up camping
So many right and wrong ways to begin
We freeze-
Tuck the idea away for another day,
A day that will never come.
Because, if you never even try
You'll never ever know
Or if you try,
With preconceived notions
And quit because you're worried, you'll do it wrong
You'll never find the joy
That's why we do things- in the first place
Running has become my hobby.
It is really fun
It makes me crabby when it doesn't go the way I think it should
It's hard
But so rewarding
And if I let it,
And don't over think it
It gives me joy....
Yesterday I took my kids to one of my favorite spots
I've been wanting for over a year now to take this hike with them
Oldest was not impressed by the word "hike"
I hoped upon hope it would be fun
It was cold
A bit muddy
You never know till you try
