smart phone- loop link- tell me you've been looking for it too---

This post is written for posting on the Runner's World Loop site.
I always write here... then copy and paste
If you're a runner, and haven't read blogs on The Loop
Check it out-
It's pretty amazing.

Tuesday, February 5th,

I did not run today
Monday night had me deciding to take Tuesday off

It felt glamorous
A little daring
But I needed a rest.
without guilt.
A planned day off is glorious

I've been on a fairly steady running gig of late
Sorry I've been such a slug about posting

You see I absolutely am jazzed about sharing
The fun, that is a wordquota run
Full of photos and rambling

But guilt was setting in

For some silly reason,
Since Runner's World changed formats
I couldn't find 'The Loop' with my phone

The old book mark was broken
Google was no help-

Even the emails that brought me to your comments on my posts
Had no link taking me back to yours.....

Very one sided
I felt a little ostentatious throwing out posts for you to 'thumbs up' and cheer.....

So tonight,
I made a point to find it


Click on anything .....I dare you ---
I've linked this ENTIRE bloop
So I can book mark it to my heart's content on my phone


Tell me I'm not the only one who has had this problem
Where you can't for the life of you find the loop on your smart phone
I'm not the only one- right???
Don't tell me
I don't want to know

Just know that I will be more engaged in all things loopy
Starting now

So yeah, I know you may have run a marathon last week, or even yesterday for that matter

But that was last week
And I was not paying attention on account of my non-techno savvy ability trauma

So lace up
Head out
Make it fun
Entertain me
Inspire me
Make me wish I was you

I'll be right here
Ready to give you a big 'thumbs up'
And a whoop! whoop!

And then I'll run a mile or two
So you know you're not alone...


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