"Good fences make good neighbors"

"Good fences make good neighbors"... At least that's Robert Frost's take-

I always find myself reciting the phrase, whenever I see a worthy example.

I threw myself into a Sunday run the other week- having lost precious training days to the flu-

It had snowed a dusting of snow in the morning- and by run time after church and lunch, the only evidence of the weather's magic was left in the shadow of a country fence-

Beauty in the shadow

Training runs can be like fences-
At times rigid and cold
Fences for fences sake
The run you take
Because your chart told you to

More ornate
Wrought iron strength and beauty
That run that brought you joy because you
Took the time to understand just what it brought you- be it patience, endurance, speed...

Training runs, like fences
Bring order

No wandering kids or cows here---

But at times we chafe at the sight of a fence that seemingly holds us back--
or pens us in
Tells us what to do
Or worse
Makes us do what we would not-
Could not

That is when you have to trust it's purpose

Look for the snow in the shadow


It's there
You just have know where to look-

And keep on running...


Leona Ayres said…
Enjoyed your "fences".
Leona Ayres said…
Guess I'll try to leave a comment, once again. I enjoyed your good fences.
Tennille said…
Go Heather! Less than 9 weeks til Shiprock!!

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