
Showing posts from August, 2013

First run in the new kicks- brooks ghosts- review

***** just realized I'd not posted this- so here it is now***** Been bemoaning the The fact that I've been needing new shoes for a long time now The uncertainty as to which shoe to grab had me putting it off I'm kind of a shoe snob when it comes to color (read about that here) And I have a terribly hard foot to fit making cute shoes almost unattainable (read about that here) And as much as I have loved my newton gravity's for both their crazy colors and running technology Their price was a bit of a barrier this time Well, there was that and--- It seems that the 2013's run a little narrower  Boo- Enter my favorite local running store Browns is the best Best personal service Hands down best selection And a great return policy Ensuring a great fit Now, I'm no newbie  When it comes to trying shoes I've had Asics Brook's ghosts  Brook's pure flows Brook's cascadias Saucony Kinvaras  Newton's Gravitys My favorites have been the Ghosts And Gravitys ...

Unplugged- sort of

This time of year finds me an emotional basket case  Something rather dreary and sad about the end of summer Even though the sun tries to cheer you, and tells you it will be ok You secretly think he's lying For all too soon, you'll be dropping off your kids at school I used to dream of the day this 'only child-mom' would have a day to herself Used to wonder what it would be like to pee without a child bursting in with an urgent question- like- 'whatcha doin mommy?' But here it is- My littlest now headed off to all day school And it terrifies me Not that I have regrets But just realizing how fast the days go Some days were good Some Not so much But one by one they marched by Isn't that life I'm reminded to look at each day as a gift An opportunity A 'no excuses' day To pour myself into everything But not my jeans- And that, my friends- Is why I run I've had a good running week But no one would ever know it My once daily Facebook posts Telling ...

Dark Run - follow the light

Wednesday, August 7th Oh man-  Have you ever had a run  That made you happy Made you see the light Made you think "I can do this-" Tonight's run Was like that for me It was a gift A gift  Of little things ------ The day was nearly over But determined to not let the day  End without a run I laced up Dark run it is Pull out a new toy Parents gifted me with When they visited last week Flashy Yes And it's blinking cadence Served a wonderful visual cue For a tempo run Now if you know me You know I chafe at the thought  Of worrying about speed It's a coping mechanism I use To mask my insecurity  To excuse my lack of drive  But tonight I watched that silly blink My footfalls it's dance partner And delightfully Found  A faster pace Found a working route too I'm a little more than jazzed A little giddy I can hardly wait To do it again

This way the twig is bent

Monday, August 5th- Tonight Son's first football practice with his team We're excited Nervous Get there and realize Friends are here No 'home-sick' feeling As you try to get routine, and introductions I'm glad I plan to use this practice time for miles But tonight I'm slow to start  It's worth the chatty visit and banter  I'm a football mom now-  And these moms are going to be fun I finally head out for the trails Beautiful night Cool crisp New Mexico sky Silhouetted trees at every turn Breathtaking  Phone rings, It's my mom Got to take it She's happy Needing tech advice And as much as I want to be I'm not her helpful call center service gal tonight Can't help It's ok We chat a bit more And as we do My eyes are drawn to the branches Each their own I'm a walker now Running takes a back seat A poem learned when younger Plays with my memory Bits and pieces of it  The feel of it Comes to me Only I'm older now, And thinking of my o...

Don't give up- especially when racing 'power walker man'

Saturday, August 3rd-   Lots of stuff going on here in NM Not nearly enough running related    Then I get a text from my dad: "Only 2 months til your next marathon!"   Oh heavens I'm not ready    I wonder how much it costs to downgrade my TCM marathon to a 1/2   But then I saw this-- Yep I've got to To not give up Saturday was my chance But hubby wanted an early morning walk And kids wanted breakfast And I want to run What? Did I just say- 'I WANT to run'? I love it when a 'have to' Becomes a 'want to' Walk with hubs Needed that  Feed the fam Needed that Then Out I go  Now,  I could take literary license here And insert Wonderful Amazing  Uplifting  Lies  And tell you this was a magnificent breakthrough run But I'm not that kind of girl It was ordinary A bit subpar in the speed category I did walk some stupid h...