First run in the new kicks- brooks ghosts- review

***** just realized I'd not posted this- so here it is now*****

Been bemoaning the The fact that I've been needing new shoes for a long time now

The uncertainty as to which shoe to grab had me putting it off

I'm kind of a shoe snob when it comes to color (read about that here)

And I have a terribly hard foot to fit making cute shoes almost unattainable (read about that here)

And as much as I have loved my newton gravity's for both their crazy colors and running technology
Their price was a bit of a barrier this time
Well, there was that and---
It seems that the 2013's run a little narrower 


Enter my favorite local running store

Browns is the best

Best personal service
Hands down best selection
And a great return policy
Ensuring a great fit

Now, I'm no newbie 
When it comes to trying shoes
I've had Asics
Brook's ghosts 
Brook's pure flows
Brook's cascadias
Saucony Kinvaras 
Newton's Gravitys

My favorites have been the Ghosts
And Gravitys 

Browns tells me I can now get the Ghosts in a wide width 

A week later I have them
They sit in their happy box on the table for a day

Then in cheerily waiting in my car 

When will this girl get to run?!

Finally I get my chance

The first thing I notice is the tread

It's a bit reminiscent of the Kinvaras
You feel the nubs grab at the concrete beneath you

It's a bit of a squishy landing
Aided by the Mogo material 

I hated the Mogo material in my flows
I felt like there was too much work with each turnover-

But nothing negative here

I think it's because the heel is a bit more beefy-

Which I worried about

I'd wandered away from that heel 
Trending toward lower rises

I wondered if it would be a problem 
But so far so good-

I notice the heel when running downhill 
With just the slightest scuff here and there

Oh I'm a heel striker alright

A bit softer than my newtons
And I do miss the energy return the newtons afforded me on the uphill

I smile noting how analytical I've become

It's good to pass the time 
I run on 

I think I'm going to like these guys


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