Don't give up- especially when racing 'power walker man'

Saturday, August 3rd-
Lots of stuff going on here in NM
Not nearly enough running related 
Then I get a text from my dad:
"Only 2 months til your next marathon!"
Oh heavens
I'm not ready
I wonder how much it costs to downgrade my TCM marathon to a 1/2
But then I saw this--

I've got to
To not give up

Saturday was my chance
But hubby wanted an early morning walk

And kids wanted breakfast

And I want to run
What? Did I just say-
'I WANT to run'?

I love it when a 'have to'
Becomes a 'want to'

Walk with hubs
Needed that 

Feed the fam
Needed that


Out I go 

I could take literary license here
And insert
And tell you this was a magnificent breakthrough run

But I'm not that kind of girl

It was ordinary
A bit subpar in the speed category

I did walk some stupid hills

After about the third walked hill,
I told myself 
'When you get to the top..
You're running it'

My pace quickens

Get to the top 
Oh great--

Who should be there,
But power walker man

Ok folks-
You have to picture this guy

Geared up
And chugging it
I'm almost positive he could outpace me in a 5k
Most amazing, swinging stride-

I've been in awe of him before
As I drive past- and see him 
Burning it up
Always glad in the back of my mind that I wasn't running that day

Now here he is


Am i really about to race 'power walker guy'
Dude with super hero speed walking powers

But I'd promised myself 
I'd run it
So I did
I can hear him just behind me
I push on

He's still right there


But this was the best thing for me 
As I for once keep my pace steady
Lest I let up 
And have him pass

As we part ways

I think I could use that push more often

I think next time I'm driving and pass him
I'll drive off the road- 
Throw it in park
Hop out and try to pace him

The rest of the run was just as eventful
I added on to my run
Take a not so short, shortcut

Ask a local for directions
Only to be led the long way home

By now, I'm feeling the miles 
The endorphins kick in
I'm hurrying 
I'm happy

I take a few picks 
Memento that I was here

And this one was good

Makes me smile

Glad to not quit


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