Random elliptical babbling- and what's on the menu
Today I'm staying home and thrashing around on my elliptical machine instead of going for a run
I'm dictating this blog post to Siri while exercising –
Yeah, not the most blog worthy-
But hey-
There's something extremely tantalizing about being able to exercise in a flimsy tank top and yoga pants in the comfort and warmth of your own home
That – and I'm trying to figure out what to make for dinner tonight
Groceries have been ridiculous lately, So I've boycotted the grocery store entirely, until humanly impossible to feed my family with what we have in the house.
Last night was pretty scrappy –
I made some weird tricolor tortellini mac & cheese concoction with a hint of green chile,
Accompanied by Southwest crusted fish – I thought that adding green chili to my macaroni would somehow unify the meal, But I was mistaken...
It was miserable.
I must do better
Tonight won't be winning any prizes
Tonight's options include:
Something with rice- carrots, celery -a can of green beans, some turkey breast lunch meat-refried beans, Rotel tomatoes, sugar snap peas-and pasta sauce
There's also more twirly tricolor pasta, but I'm trying to keep it fresh
Not sure how it's going to turn out-
I think I might try to make some sort of fried rice and sugar snap pea concoction...
Maybe even fry up some leftover turkey breast lunch meat –
I'm a little nervous how it's going to go over-
Hubby's not picky, which is so nice, but my Mr. Riley, at age 10, takes food personally.
I think a grocery run is in order for sure tomorrow-
Now that I've told you my grocery shopping/menu saga,
That inevitably took wayyyyy longer than it should have-
I look down at the monitor, and realize, Horrors
It's only been seven minutes
Only 7 minutes?!?!?
This elliptical stuff is harder on your attention span than I thought-
How is it that I can run for upwards of 3,4, even 5 hours, and have an absolute blast, but can't hardly make it 10 minutes on this home gym contraption?
If I weren't so strapped for time,
That, annnnd I could find my sports bra, (which sadly is lost somewhere between the dirty and clean wash)
I'd be running upstairs to hit the trails
But it's too late, I've made my choice, and have to live with it –
Note to self:
Put laundry away
Get a working grocery list in order
Scrap the Siri dictating
Throw an 'out of order' sign on the elliptical
And go run!