Black Friday/Saturday Fog
So this just happened
Signed up for Shiprock marathon
I know, I know, it was a hard one for me last year- (read about it here)
But two weeks ago
As the fam and I drove past shiprock on our way to Scottsdale
I found myself
Wishing for a chance to run it again
Then the Black Friday discount link-
A marathon for $50?
Yes please
So I did it
Snapped me up a Black Friday marathon deal
Saturday, November 30th
The fog was amazing on my morning run
We don't get fog much here in NM
It felt like another world
Gave new meaning to the phrase
"Running in a fog"
Rather liked it
Not so derogatory as I'd perceived it must be
Ice crystals
No way to capture it
To touch it, makes it disappear
You just have to believe me
It was amazing
Gave new meaning to the phrase
"Running in a fog"
Rather liked it
Not so derogatory as I'd perceived it must be
Ice crystals
No way to capture it
To touch it, makes it disappear
You just have to believe me
It was amazing