Speed run- and new plan

Tuesday, January 21 A couple weeks ago I made a photocopy of Brad Hudson's marathon training – And promptly instagrammed it for the world to see It has a lot of mileage, and 5-6 runs throughout the week It was the training plan that I used for my first marathon – My thought was that if I re-created that magic- I'd be golden for my 4th marathon But I'm finding my schedule is totally different now- Hubby used to head work by 8 Now it's 6:15 So getting up and running before he heads out- is not really an option That- And Some days, hubby and I meet up at the gym to work out Which is so good for us Bad for 6 day training routines I've been panicking I'm going to have to do something different Enter: New plan I bought the book, Run Less Run Faster , a while back, a recommend from Violin Running And was immediately intimidated by the running jargon. I...