Speed run- and new plan

Tuesday, January 21

A couple weeks ago I made a photocopy of Brad Hudson's marathon training –
And promptly instagrammed it for the world to see

It has a lot of mileage, and 5-6 runs throughout the week 
It was the training plan that I used for my first marathon – 
My thought was that if I re-created that magic-
I'd be golden for my 4th marathon
I'm finding my schedule is totally different now-
Hubby used to head work by 8
Now it's 6:15
So getting up and running before he heads out- is not really an option
Some days, hubby and I meet up at the gym to work out
Which is so good for us
Bad for 6 day training routines

I've been panicking
I'm going to have to do something different

New plan
I bought the book, Run Less Run Faster , a while back, a recommend from Violin Running
And was immediately intimidated by the running jargon.
I'm a mom, not a track star
What the heck is a 400?
But, after some Google research
And, duh, reading the book--- which explains everything in detail
I realized this program was designed for someone like me
by the way 400, 800, 1200, etc are allll track repeats----
It's really not rocket science
My opinion of track stars is somewhat diminished now

I just discovered that my Endomondo app
Has an interval training setting that is fool proof 
today I went out for some speed work
Started off running as fast as a possibly could
Until I thought I was going to pass out, and my arms went numb 
I couldn't breathe 
I had to stop the app, bend over and just hyperventilate for a minute 
It felt great 
for those of you that don't know me – 
I don't hurry for nothing 
Beyond laid-back 
The phrase, "Slower than molasses in January" was probably penned just to more adequately describe my personality 
I look down to see how fast I went, and it said 7 miles an hr
granted, I'd only gone .32 miles at that pace, 
And hyperventilated
but I felt invincible
Well not invincible, 
I couldn't breathe 
But this "about to pass out" feeling is pretty amazing 

I later read that this is NOT
The goal of speed work
I was supposed to just hit my goal time
And hug it
No super fast, super slow stuff
Oh, well,

I kept on running
that's when I saw him –
The biggest dog ever
Man did he scare me to death
Til I realized, he was the sweetest big puppy you could ever meet
I think he's a Great Dane?
I don't know-Here's a pic :

I got bit by a puppy two years back,
The dog ripped my running pants and broke the skin – 
so I am pretty pretty squeamish with dogs 
But this guy just stood there,  letting me know I was in his territory 
And that all would be well,  if I just gave him a smile
Which I promptly did 
We nodded and that was all – 
He never did bark
He did, however, turn and pose, so I could take a better picture of him 
The rest of the run wasn't nearly as fast as the first .3 miles
I realized passing out wasn't necessarily the name of the game this type of work –
Maybe I'm wrong
You guys can correct me on that 
But I do know this-
It was good 
I'll keep you posted
I'm off to photocopy a new chart

Fingers crossed


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