Shiprock race report-

Shiprock Marathon Report
So remember Shiprock last year?
Hot and bare
The beauty of a culture
Seeing mile upon mile
The quiet calm
The first time mileage scared me
Read that report here
When this year's race popped up as a black Friday discount-
I hit send
And entered the full
But 20 weeks later
Found myself reconsidering that impulse buy, and exchanged it for the 1/2
Glad I did
This year
I knew where to go for packet pick-up
But hitched a ride offered by Violinrunning
This year 
I remembered to take a pic of the bloodsausage stand
She and I had a good laugh
When she said: "It's probably the best bloodsausage from the back of a blue Taurus you'll ever have"

Too bad we didn't get any, 
On account of: 
Her being vegetarian, 
Me being... Well...
We got to the expo
Oh my!!!!
They put the tents up on the pavement this year!
I knew this was a sign of good things to come

Violinrunning and her puppy Sentry at packet pickup
Packet pickup was a breeze
Almost too easy
We wandered the tents for a minute or two,
Then headed back to our car
It was a little anti-climactic for me...
I needed something to make it more of a deal.
So we did- nice expo tent for a party hat (can you see Shiprock?)

Here's a better shot
I never tire of it.
If you haven't been out this way
Put it on your bucket list
Take a drive
Sign up for a race 
It's amazing

Friday night had me laying out gear for an early start
I was to pick up my brother-in-law (aka Marathon Mike) to run his 30th marathon 
And violinrunning to run the first leg of the relay by 4:30am to get them to the start on time.

I loved my number -
I joked that 7to11 had sponsored me,
(and there would be free shlushies after the race)

Alarms worked
We made it with plenty of time to spare

It's so fun carpooling out
Lots of energy
Running banter
Just look at us- giddy with excitement
Marathon Mike is not allowed next to me in anymore selfies--
until he learns how to put on the crazed grin of a true runner---
never mind the bit about this being his 30th marathon...
I look waaaaayyyyy too happy
You'd think it's because I had and hour and a half to nap in the car, while these guys did their  thing

But actually it was because we'd just epic failed our selfie shot

Violinrunning was looking dreamily at mike phone/makeshift flashlight -
Instead of the camera, 
And marathon Mike's head was dangerously close to being cut off
That silly selfie was the perfect send off for those two

After a little snooze in the car
It was my turn
The busses filled
And we were off
It was weird getting on alone
I sat in silence
Listening in on conversations
Friends talking shop on which race they'd run before
Which race they'd planned to run next
And then we stopped
Last year I remember mile 13 and on being a bit boring
Or plain
But here it was
Mile 13
My mile 1
Right next to the rock
It was beautiful
For 45 minutes
I wandered

Looking at it

It was wonderful

Then I heard the race volunteers yell out
"Runner! Clear the road! A runner's coming!"
The first of our marathoners were hitting mile 13
It was so exciting
As a slow runner, I don't get to see much of this
We clapped and cheered
Then went on about our gawking at the rock, and fidgeting with our race gear
A few more runners came
I felt bad,
We were like cattle in the road, 
Big, doe eyed, staring
Moving slowly out of the way

I cringed
Surely this had to hamper them
But no
They flew passed us
A smattering of claps
A cheer from the few that noticed

Then I saw a relay runner
I knew it had to be from Violinrunning's team
She was kicking it!
I got so excited- barely snapped a shot-
Finger's crossed it was part of her team
If it was- I knew they were on fire

Then it was my turn
The start to the half was a bit nonchalant
I kind of liked it
Most of the runners seemed like me
In it for the experience
Rather than the kill
It was nice
One guy I tagged behind
Had his music out
He had earphones on,
But had forgotten to plug them in
His music and some kind of siri sounding pace instructor blaring
It amused me
Then I see a power walker ahead
She's fast 

I hear her cheer to a marathoner as he passed her
"Go honey!"
"You're looking so good!"
She jumped up and down
Thrilled to see him pass

He high fived her
And said
"See you at the finish!"

Made my day
On I ran

Band played a few miles ahead

I made sure to stick to my planned pace 
Waiting for mile 5 
I don't know why mile 5
But that's what I told myself I'd do

Mile 5 came
It had me had me so happy
I felt great
I was running sloppily to a really bad rendition of Footloose I'd found on itunes
It was the right pace
So I had it on repeat 

And that was that
Slow and steady

If you're a slow runner and you want to run Shiprock

Run the half
You're never alone
Panic over pace doesn't even factor into your stride
And as faster marathoners pass, you have little time to get bogged down in your own
It stays fresh
no mile upon mile of nothing
Let me rephrase
The marathon is honestly a prettier run
Shiprock is ahead of you pulling you the first 13 miles
If you are a slow runner- you will be alone the last half
Scenery for the half has your start right at the rock,
Race scenery is pretty dry and barren
But you are never alone 

Then mile 6 hit,
And I got tired
(I actually thought it was around mile 8-
But I just did the math--- and it was mile 6----
I told myself that was dumb
How could I be tired? 
Time for some mind games
1/2 off mileage was up first
It cracks me up
When I get tired I start cutting miles in half
Only 5 left turns into only 2.5 of an out and back training run
How bad can that be?
That kept me going for awhile
Til I saw a crowd up ahead 

I realized it was mile 20

I don't know why I kept using marathon mileage

For me it was only mile 7

When I realized that
It made it worse

Only mile 7?!??

But there they all were
A tunnel of people cheering us through
Waiting for their relay partners to shuttle through

I knew once I hit that- I'd be turning on to the highway

The dreaded 
Mile 21

Marathon Mike had passed out one year here
It's like a ghost of a mile

But today was ok
I passed it
People around me

Tired but not scared

Then I heard my name

It was Mike- 
He'd caught up to pass me

"Did you see what we just passed?!"
He said with a look of victory
Pointing to mile 21

I congratulated him
And snapped a pic to commemorate
His first time back 

He passed with a wave
And I slowed my pace a bit

The road was starting to get hot
The fumes from the cars and semi
Were getting to me

I strained to see how far down the road til the finish turn

But couldn't see it

I ran from billboard to billboard
Getting sick at the sights:
McDonald's with a plastic looking picture of breakfast
Burger King
Why so many fast food billboards Shiprock?


Then I saw my power walking gal
Still going strong

She's in front of the purple gal in the blue shorts with white trim

Still smiling too
I need to try that
Both the smiling and power walking
But I was fading
I saw a little family up ahead 
Cute little red haired toddler 
Watching the big rigs go by,
While his mom cheered runners on

Then I realized 
That's B!!!!
It was a Kindermusik kiddo of mine
I was giddy
Oh I had to stop and say hi!
So I did

I was way too happy 
And chatted too long
But I couldn't help it
The heat was setting in
And seeing their kind faces made things better

And that's all the pics I took


I did finish
It wasn't pretty
The last leg into the finish shoot was more paved this year than last

There was that

I was feeling weird
I felt like I was going into a tunnel
I wanted to panic
But couldn't
No heaving chest

No adrenaline rush

Just this slow shallow

I had to walk-
I knew something was off

As I rounded the corner to the finish 
I picked up my pace to a shuffle
And ducked through

Marathon Mike's wife snapped a pic
(She's texted and emailed it to me three times, 
But for some reason it won't come through
I'm glad though- I was rough)

I sat and ate an orange-
Why were they cut in half and not in quarters? 
I could merely squeeze the juice out

And then I got up and hurled
My first thought was
Wow! I must be a real runner!
Then I hurled 3 more times
And realized the heat got me

All I'd wanted was to
See the awards ceremony

I could hear it going on in the next tent over, but couldn't will myself to get up 

Turned out I was right
ViolinRunning's team took first!
I love knowing a winner
Read her race report here. (OK- so she hasn't posted one yet--- let's all hound her!)

First place relay team
 Violinrunning is in the middle

their group with Miss Navajo

It's been a crazy week since the race
I feel great
I have one more race in my in-basket
I'm learning so much about life through the past few races
They've been rough
But good for me
You see
I'm beginning to understand
There's nothing more impacting
Than the day-in and day-out commitment to a thing.
That's true in every area of life
No short cuts
No last minute fixes
No time like the present
To put in the effort that pays off down the road
That's what I needed
Thanks Shiprock......


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