Saturday's Marathon -Half Off!

It's marathon week-

The past few days had me scavenger hunting running gear- 

Loads upon loads of laundry in and out of the washer, 
Just to find my favorite shirt- 

Drawer digging to find the urban halo headband I'd gotten from violin running- 
That for some reason, my mind labled 'special' and tucked away, never to be seen again

I say it's marathon week, because in my mind- it is- 

I signed up for it in December on Black Friday- 
Impulse buy

Crazy how that happens

And while training had a few bright spots-
And a few courageous long runs
The mileage under my belt was less than stellar 

Where did that 20 weeks go? 


Sooooo I emailed the shiprock race director, 
And got myself a half off deal-

Half marathon it is!

My excitement is returning
I got butterflies before a run the other day for the first time in a looooong time

It's a good thing

My goal is to finish before they do awards 
At 11
I'll keep you posted (I'm hoping awards start a little late.... On account of me needing about 15 more minutes or so than 11oclock) 
Fingers crossed

Off to go pasta myself.....


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