Finding what works and working it...balance and accountability

Part of me feels a little guilty for picking this blog back up again, and a little nervous.
But I've thought about it, 
It brings me joy and a little bit of personal accountability
And I'm a sharing kind of gal..... so if you want to come along for the ride- buckle up

There's something quite fun about finding what works

Have I arrived?  Haha nope- but I've got so many good peices to the puzzle in place, I feel it's high time i share.

But mostly these next few weeks I will hone in on the idea of Balance- 
so I will be talking about these areas
Clean eating

I'll share what I've learned or am learning along the way- mostly a personal diary of sorts. 

Today my devotions really hit me hard. 
I'm a little put out (sarcasm) because I've simply been trying to instill daily devotions in my youngest Molly so the past week or so I've been sitting down and using the simple idea of S.O.A.P. With her.
S- Scripture-- write out the passage that spoke to you from your reading
O- Observe --what jumped out at you
A- Apply- how can you apply this in your life
P- Prayer- write a prayer for the day with an emphasis on what you learned

The past few weeks have been filled with easy applications and feel good thoughts for the day
Today I open to James and decide to read in James 2- verses 14-17 jump out at me. I think maybe i should find another passage to read, but realize this was meant for me today. 

It talks about seeing people's needs and merely saying a trite response like "praying" or "God's got this!" And walking on our way untouched. 

How many times a day do we comment under a post that asks us to pray 
"Praying" and scroll past without the prayer said? 

How many times do we see a need that we can help, but do nothing
Arggggg so convicted.

It was a month or two ago i promised myself to never again comment "praying" but rather "praying right now" and stopping and praying for the immediate need

I now find that I need to work on so much more. 

The passage is an illustration on faith and works.
And doesn't it hit home 

Balance in my life must have more of both


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