Cabin run

Want to see some gorgeous pics?

There's something about the cabin that makes me want to get out and run! 
Here's some pics from last nights "run" 
It wasn't a "real" run- because it was mostly walking- but I'm calling it a run because I ran home from the top - so I wouldn't be gone to long.
Next time I take this road- I'm running the whole thing- i want to get farther up! 

I love how the roads here curve, begging you to go a little further

Love the wildflowers

Love the coolness that comes as you find yourself surrounded by treesLove the sky and how it changes 

Love the birds and chipmunks singing me on or chastising me for being in their territory

Love being by myself soaking it all in

This is where its at. 
Just get out and see where the road takes you
Take a pic to share, talk about it- inspire someone to go further.


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