
Well guys, I’m back at it
I know what you’re thinking
“She’s said that before”
I’ve run 3 times in the last 5 days

I guess you could say things are getting pretty serious...
Go ahead and giggle—- I did.

So here’s a rundown...
Because I know you’re curious

It’s hot
Really hot

I forgot how odd the first few runs are

You have all the confidence in the world
But none of the staying power

Everything’s moving
It feels weird

So you stop
Catch your breath
Start back up

Only this time your earbud falls out
So you stop
Catch your breath
Start back up

But the shirt you picked has sleeves
And it’s sunny
Super sunny
You worry about a farmer tan

So you stop 
Catch your breath...

And on it goes

Wow, this running stuff is not what I remembered

Do you ever feel that way?
Overwhelmed because things aren’t going how you thought they would?

You paralyze yourself thinking about what should be 
Or could be
Or would be
If only.....

And so we sit in the middle of a circle that’s shrinking in on us...

I love the word picture of a circle
The circle is our life, and what we do 

If we don’t grow, and push ourselves 
The circle gets smaller,
You can tell if yours is 
If you find yourself saying 
“I don’t have time...”

When you tell yourself that,
Your circle gets smaller
And you can’t
Simply can’t do anything

Unless you stretch yourself
Say yes to more things
Fill it up to the brim- until it looks like it will burst
Push against that circle with all your might
Until it stretches 

And you can breath again 

And you smile
Because it feels good to be hot
Wandering around with your sleeves pushed back
Sucking air
Running again....


Dave said…
I'm really hoping for that feeling again soon.

Thanks for the wisdom in here today.
Heather said…
If anybody can find it, it’s you Dave!

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