Enough Already

I want to tell you that you are enough- 
That God doesn't make junk- 
That you were created for something much more that you ever imagined
I want to tell you that you can. 

We all have our faults, fallen short, unworthy. 
But- here's the deal.
The price has been paid by someone else on your behalf
Suck it up already and take the gift.

We are blessed. 
Not because things are perfect or easy
But because we realize where the good things come from

Every good and perfect gift commeth down from the Father.... 

New Year’s is around the corner, and I find myself asking-
Did I do enough?
Enough fun, enough work, enough family time...enough?

My routines haven't been perfect, i know that much- 
So i look forward to buckling down and gettting more into the swing 
But this year has proven to be amazing in some respects 
I feel like my spiritual walk has gotten stronger. 
That my desire to do things well has grown.
I’ve grown in areas I’ve long thought were lost causes 
And this is progress.

The excitement sets in when you realize that 
He’s not done with me
That He has a purpose
If I just get out of the way, and do all the things
Things I’ve been called to do
Things like laundry, and meal prep, and actively encouraging my hubs with 
Hugs and epic mugs of strong coffee

I'm working on setting goals and focusing on what's working
Rather than my shortcomings. 
I'm working on looking for opportunities to be thankful
Looking for little blessings throughout the day

How 'bout you? What are your goals for the upcoming year?
Tell me your thoughts- 
I'll cheer you on...


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