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crabby when i don't run |
Well, not really, my crabby face is much to scary to post.
I wanted to start this post,
"Forgive me Father of all runners, for I have sinned...
It has been 1 week since my last run....."
But I'm not Catholic.
I AM a procrastinator.
A procrastinator in denial.
You see, I always THINK I will have time to accomplish whatever task it is I'm putting off.
I even go through self visualization techniques of me completing said task.
The glass is always half full.
Can't even begin to explain how I do this to myself over and over again, why don't I just do the task at hand, rather than leave it for later?
Take this week for instance.
Sunday night-
I'm thinking about the week ahead, and planning my runs.
I get giddy at the thought of Monday being Halloween, even plan to 'steal' my daughter's cat woman mask to wear for a fun early morning run. Then I try on my daughter's tutu, thinking THAT would be hysterical to run in ---- No one would see me- it would be early -right? Realize the tutu only fits my right thigh, and the cat woman mask looks downright evil over my glasses. Head to bed pondering suitable alternatives to entertain my early morning run.
Monday Morning
Single handily assault my alarm, by constantly hitting snooze button-
I sleep in, telling myself I can get a quick run in after I teach my early morning classes.
Classes taught, I get a call from the landscaper- we meet at the land to discuss scope of work.
Time to pick up Molly from kinder, take her to violin lessons- have lunch and get ready again to teach, take Kate to violin lessons- and take the kids to trick or treat-
I think I should pull a night run, but the whole Halloween holiday thing weirds me out- no run-
Tuesday Morning
Ditto to Monday's alarm assault-
I sleep in, telling myself I can get in a run later.
Fully awake, I realize Ryan is set to leave on another business trip, and the girls have a hair appointment
Still in denial, I tell myself I will run the treadmill after the girls' hair appointment to make up for yesterday.
Kids to school.
I'm off to teach 3 classes.
Call from Molly's teacher-
Molly's been poked with a pencil-
Hair appointment out- Doctor visit in.
Molly is fine, her visit turns into a well-check and shots ensue.
Molly is NOT amused.
To make me look like the 'good guy' I take her to Wal-mart for a Happy Meal and a toy.
Then home to teach afternoon classes.
No run.
You get the picture.
Wednesday night, I was pretty much berating myself for my lack of discipline...
Something's got to give.
Thursday Morning-
Snooze 1 time- alarm is thankful, and notes that hideously sad country songs get my attention best.
Up and out.
Freezing cold-
Now, I know this is NM folks, but it was COLD this morning at 5:15am
My legs felt like they did when I was 8, after a day of sledding in Minnesota.
Tingly all over.
But the run was fun.
Pace wickedly slow.
Walk- yes
I get bogged down in the realization that it doesn't matter how many miles I ran last week, or last month. This run is the only one that matters.
I realize I have so much to learn.
Find the joy in the run-
Realize it's a bit too cold for running joy-
Must run faster to GET HOME!
I must confess, I am much happier now!
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- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhon