Re-live it & Make it New

This post is a procrastinated post.
This run was completed 3 days ago.

Typically I can't wait to share thoughts and pictures on a run,
Blog it into oblivion.
But this run was different.

It's not that it was a hard run.
Discouraging, no-
New route-no. 

Ever have a run that didn't go as planned, and it haunts you? 
Maybe even a race-
Just something that you keep replaying in your mind.
craving a 'do-over'

I've got one too.
Nothing serious.
Just a training run that rocked- then ran awry-

A missed photograph of a building that intrigued me.
Not really worth all the emotional drama-
A silly little training run, but I can't shake it.

Monday morning I finally got the chance to re-capture it.
Funny how I had built it up in my mind-
This perfect run-
This perfect picture-

It was neither.

Just a simple run
Ordinary snapshot
"The photo"- yawn

How many times do I do that to myself?
Live in the past.
Reliving yesterday's victory as if it's today's.
Or defeat-
I finished the run more thoughtful-
I pushed harder-
Sweated a little more-
Ran a bit longer-
Savored it-
Only then did I realize, I hadn't relived an old run
I'd made it new.
The one meant for today
And it was good.

Live in the Moment


GentleScholar said…
Love the post. Very cool

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