Saturday's Sky

Saturday's sky-

How can one describe it...

Magnificent seems trite-
Glorious- overused

No words even come close to dignify the vast beauty of it.

Yet, can you believe-
I almost missed it.

My running chart told me 8 was on the menu.
The morning started well enough-

But as I stepped out on this run, my mind got in the way.

First, it was a new compression shirt-
Embellished stripes on the back suddenly had seams-

Windbreaker swished.

Running form- wonky

No slight annoyance went undetected.

I thought about my friends and their scheduled runs-
Some have 10

One, is running Rim Rock 26.2
Crazy Marathon through Colorado National Monument.

The night before, T texted me while driving the course
 THEN she texted me THIS

Isn't that crazy awesome!

It was her run that got my mind off myself.

That's when I noticed the sky.
And knew I had to have a special run.

I chose a hill climb-
College/Hood Mesa/Lakewood

I willed myself to try to run the hills

First hill-

Half walk half run

Made it! no walking!

The rest of the miles slipped by-

The sky went with me-

P.S. T finished her first marathon, taking 3rd in women's with an incredible 3:40!


A Nomadic LIFE said…
Hea-! I thought you might agree with the following quote with respects to the "wilderness" you have been catching with that digital! Good images! Enjoy the day! HDRunner

Wilderness appealed to those bored or disgusted with man and his works. It not only offered an escape from society but also was an ideal stage for the Romantic individual to exercise the cult that he frequently made of his own soul. The solitude and total freedom of the wilderness created a perfect setting for either melancholy or exultation.
~ Rodernick Nash. Wilderness and the American Mind

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