
Showing posts from June, 2012

Runnerversary ramblings

It's been a year since I started running. Thought I'd reminisce I'll never forget those first awkward runs. Nothing but laps around the baseball park, Jeans- Bulky shoes, Pedometer from Target that never seemed to know just how far I'd run. Determination Baggage It was all there. Hope Glimmers peeking through The emotions behind those first few runs are still fresh in my mind. Didn't expect that. Running makes you look at yourself square in the face and stop lying, Lying about how great you are Or the other extreme that says you're not worth it. It makes you human. Makes you grateful And then it gives you confidence. You suddenly think you know ALL And can't wait to indoctrinate the world. Everyone should be doing this!!!!! You sign up for a 5k a half a full. And suddenly, you realize you know nothing about this thing called running. A year A drop in the proverbial bucket I hope someday to fill. 6 pair of shoes s...

Wanted: Tour Guide with Trail Experience

Saturday, June 9th Excited to repeat the awesomeness that was my first trail run, I set out early Saturday morning in search of adventure. Only my internal GPS went wonky. In my defense, it's been wonky since birth- Should have asked for a refund on that one. But I digress, Wonky navigation in tow, I head the wrong way- totally missing my beloved bike trail. Undeterred, I soldier on, and settle for a finger of Lion's Wilderness Trail instead. After all, I HAD been eyeing it lately, I lied to myself and pretended it was my secret plan all along. Pretty stinkin' proud of myself- I ran. Admired the beauty of the trail. Got lost in the moment Totally lost Not kidding Totally lost Yeah- New meaning to the phrase- Adventure time. Not one to panic, I look for the fun- Check out the foot prints Think shoe manufacturers could so benefit from throwing their logo down on the bottom, for cases like this when you suddenly become acutely awar...

Hook line and sinker-

Thursday, June 7th- Today's little run found me taking the loop I've been 'discovering' and fleshing out since moving last week. It's becoming like an old friend, The hills are still there, But for some reason they aren't as intimidating as I'd made them out to be in my mind Still no speed in site, I focus on what is working.... My own little 'granny groove' Sure, I could create lovely little excuses for my slowness- Need new shoes Those hills Short legs But, I've seen people fly in shoes far worse Seen runners sprint up hills far higher Know for a fact, short people can be, and are- wicked fast. Speed schmeed---- I'm wogging for photos- and running to prove to the world that anybody can train for a marathon. First mile hits, Endomondo kindly informs me that at the rate I'm going- It will take 7++ hours to complete said marathon- Wow.... That's gonna be a long day... Oh well, Round another bend, and on...

Run on my friends- run on

Tuesday, June 5th I know I promised you a run. But after sleeping in til the ungodly hour of 6 Teaching a few morning classes, Taking kids to swimming Frantic guilt set in- Hubby, Who's been racking up the frequent flier miles on business lately, Decided to surprise us by stopping by for lunch. And as much as I loved the face time- All I could think about was sneaking out for a run. Ask- and it shall be given Isn't he the best! It's been a long while since I'd run in the afternoon. Threw on a running skirt Downed some water Debated headphones Decided they help hold my silly glasses from flopping around, Brought them along. First thing I noticed, was- I was actually awake- My usual warm up walk, Quickly turned into a jog. It was hot. It was fun. I found more twists and turns to take. I was happy Oh how I wish you all could have joined me.... Road upon road broken up by outcroppings of nature I choose to take a killer hill I'd...

new venue~

So here's the scoop A little bit of an excuse for my lack of running lately We've moved! It's an absolutely wonderful home, and we're over the moon excited about the memories to be made in it.  Our front door Just  a mere 4 miles up the way from our old home, but everything is different running-wise. My first few jaunts left me winded- hills hills hills And although I'd run this area on many a long run in the past, I feel a bit intimidated stitching together new mileage routes. It reminds me of that feeling I had when I first started running- Trying to estimate point to point mileage, Every run seems to take forever- when will that next mile hit??? searching out favorite haunts, discarding dead end turns, always looking for the joy, Waiting for that mac-n-cheese comfort moment a run can bring It's coming Slowly but surely Going to head out again in the morning I'll keep you posted But til then, here's a few of my new f...

Be amazed

Drumroll please Today I ran Cue applause....... Thank you