Run on my friends- run on

Tuesday, June 5th

I know I promised you a run.

But after sleeping in til the ungodly hour of 6
Teaching a few morning classes,
Taking kids to swimming

Frantic guilt set in-

Who's been racking up the frequent flier miles on business lately,
Decided to surprise us by stopping by for lunch.

And as much as I loved the face time-
All I could think about was sneaking out for a run.

Ask- and it shall be given
Isn't he the best!

It's been a long while since I'd run in the afternoon.
Threw on a running skirt
Downed some water
Debated headphones
Decided they help hold my silly glasses from flopping around,
Brought them along.

First thing I noticed, was-
I was actually awake-
My usual warm up walk,
Quickly turned into a jog.

It was hot.
It was fun.

I found more twists and turns to take.

I was happy

Oh how I wish you all could have joined me....
Road upon road broken up by outcroppings of nature

I choose to take a killer hill I'd been passing up on previous runs-

As I turned to start the climb,
There it was-
This stone outcropping with a keyhole arch

I was mesmerized

I realized we runners are incredibly blessed-
We get a chance to search out beauty-
And we are often rewarded beyond measure, when we choose a challenge.

Run on my friends-
Run on.....


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