new venue~

So here's the scoop
A little bit of an excuse for my lack of running lately

We've moved!
It's an absolutely wonderful home,
and we're over the moon excited about the memories to be made in it.

Our front door
Just  a mere 4 miles up the way from our old home,
but everything is different running-wise.

My first few jaunts left me winded-
hills hills hills
And although I'd run this area on many a long run in the past,
I feel a bit intimidated stitching together new mileage routes.

It reminds me of that feeling I had when I first started running-
Trying to estimate point to point mileage,
Every run seems to take forever-
when will that next mile hit???
searching out favorite haunts,
discarding dead end turns,
always looking for the joy,
Waiting for that mac-n-cheese comfort moment a run can bring

It's coming

Slowly but surely

Going to head out again in the morning
I'll keep you posted

But til then, here's a few of my new favorite things

I love this reward as I run out my driveway

gorgeous 'old mission' inspired church architecture

big sky


Anna Brain said…
soooo beautiful photos!! <3
Heather said…
Thank you Anna!
Speaking of beautiful photos-
I LOVE your blog!!!!!!
Karalea said…
Congratulations on your new place...I didn't know you moved! Where is that church?! It's beautiful!
Heather said…
Isn't it amazing! It's Zion Lutheran church on the corner of Foothills and Lakewood

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