Hook line and sinker-

Thursday, June 7th-

Today's little run found me taking the loop I've been 'discovering' and fleshing out since moving last week.

It's becoming like an old friend,
The hills are still there,
But for some reason they aren't as intimidating as I'd made them out to be in my mind

Still no speed in site,
I focus on what is working....
My own little 'granny groove'

Sure, I could create lovely little excuses for my slowness-
Need new shoes
Those hills
Short legs

But, I've seen people fly in shoes far worse
Seen runners sprint up hills far higher
Know for a fact, short people can be, and are- wicked fast.

Speed schmeed----
I'm wogging for photos-
and running to prove to the world that anybody can train for a marathon.

First mile hits,
Endomondo kindly informs me that at the rate I'm going-
It will take 7++ hours to complete said marathon-

Wow.... That's gonna be a long day...

Oh well,

Round another bend, and on I go

Mile two pipes up,
Seems it's looking for adventure

I head for the trails-
Haven't run true trails before-
Today's a perfect day to start.

Can I just say-
Oh my heavens!
The little trail I took was amazing!!!!

Riddled with twists and turns,
Little baby roller coaster hills-
Sites upon sites
I can't begin to describe the all out fun.

One mile- and I'm hooked
Too bad the busyness of the day called me in-

I'll be back- dear, sweet, trail
You snagged me
Hook line and sinker

I'll be back...


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