
Showing posts from October, 2013

Photo run

Wednesday October 30th, They say: "A picture's worth a thousand words" Here's a few thousand that took my breath away           

Switching it up- to be fit for the work

Thursday, October 24th I'm at a crossroads with running Not a love it or leave it thing- Just a realization that, Without pushing myself I have and will continue to become stagnant I need to switch things up That means  Speed work Strength And getting nitty gritty With numbers Wish me luck Ever the procrastinator,  I'm always planning to start THAT stuff ......tomorrow My  "Jam tomorrow- Jam yesterday- But never, never, never, today" Mentality Must be overcome I will say, though I've been 'switching it up' By adding in other things to my running routine Hubby's and my schedule Have finally aligned So that I can work out with him  At least 3 -4 days a week He's a gym rat- Tightly wound You should see him push himself  And those weights! It's been fun too Just be in awe of him And his tenacity for working towards a goal Lifting's been good for me to...

Running friends are the best-

Wednesday, October 23rd Wanted to get a run in before work Shuttled myself back to Berg Park- To try to repeat the running magic of yesterday  The parking lot is overflowing I know it's just the nearby Hotel's parking traffic  But I  wonder what the fuss is all about It's only Wednesday And this is Farmington, after all  I pick a spot And who should be parking next to me But my friend S- and her hubby Oh snap! My mind chatters  Do they see me?  Should I just wait in the car,  So that they  get out first And get their run on before I set foot on that trail?  They're sooooooo fast! Snap! They did see me I sheepishly smile and wave We get out,  And S- asks to take the trail with me,  While her hubby guns it- on his own Why yes!!!!  I've secretly wished for a running buddy This crazy life of wife and mommy hood, mixed with snatches of work- Leaves little time for friendship  And how I've missed that The run was fantastic ...

Running Berg- the magic of a memory

Monday, October 21st I ran today-  Chose Berg Park I'd been seeing others' photos of the park  Pop up on Instagram,  Each shot  A familiar spot  Running memories Are you like that?  You'll be driving along Minding your own business And a running memory So powerful  Hits you  And you're back To that one Training run  It's like a homesick feeling Deep in your gut Only you're not sad You're j ust wishing  You were there a gain To live the moment over Berg Park pictures do that to me too So today I ran it No Garmin No Endomondo Just me  The trail And everyone else that felt  Drawn here today Walkers Runners Mommas with strollers  Puppies  Always magic here The running was easy I wondered why I'd waited so long To just be And Run for the thrill of it I miss the days when 7 miles seemed impossible And 5 made me feel like a rockstar When friends joined in on a weekend Group run And ended with coffee When I didn't know any be...

TCM 2013 in pictures

Thought I'd do a photo only post- I'll add commentary to these in a day or two- TCM is an amazing marathon The scenery is amazing The people unbelievably supportive Organized like clockwork Love this race It should be on every runner's bucket list-

TCM race report 2013

Sunday, Oct 6th Can I just say, I love the Twin Cities Marathon. It's the most magical race Gorgeous scenery Amazing architecture Lakes Crowd support like you've never seen I did 26.2 today But didn't come home with a shirt Or medal Nope I was 8 minutes over cutoff time You'd think I'd be sad, or hurt, or frustrated But I'm not Rules are: If you don't make official time cut You don't qualify for official finish SWAG Those are the rules I like rules that stick But-  Since I DID cover 26.2 miles- Met a lot of cool people- Took some super fun pics- AND had an utterly positive, amazing time--- I simply must write a post Expo and packet pick up Race gear Runners prep Pre-race sign pep talks I was determined to try to keep the 5:30 pace group in my sights  And accidentally found myself following back behind the 5:00 group-  Didn't realize it ti...