TCM race report 2013

Sunday, Oct 6th

Can I just say, I love the Twin Cities Marathon.

It's the most magical race

Gorgeous scenery

Amazing architecture


Crowd support like you've never seen

I did 26.2 today

But didn't come home with a shirt
Or medal
I was 8 minutes over cutoff time

You'd think I'd be sad, or hurt, or frustrated

But I'm not

Rules are:
If you don't make official time cut
You don't qualify for official finish SWAG
Those are the rules
I like rules that stick


Since I DID cover 26.2 miles-
Met a lot of cool people-
Took some super fun pics-

AND had an utterly positive, amazing time---
I simply must write a post
Expo and packet pick up

Race gear

Runners prep

Pre-race sign pep talks

I was determined to try to keep the 5:30 pace group in my sights 
And accidentally found myself following back behind the 5:00 group- 

Didn't realize it till a few miles in- 

Oh well-

Starting too fast, while a disaster,
Was so much fun

I mean look at them all


I got to SEE
Justice Alan Page (also former Viking)
Playing his tuba this year!!!
I missed him last year, on account of being too slow- 
I was so thrilled- 
I had to get a pic
I can't believe I made it in time to see him!!!

Who should surprise me next
My family!!!!


Last year I saw them first at mile 7
This year they surprised me by adding an early mile 3 stop

I was exstatic!

I should have just run that 5k and called it good- 
Because these first 3 miles were my favorite

Oh snap-
I'd signed up for this thing called a marathon

On I ran

Saw my folks at mile 7
I can still see my mom jumping up and down cheering- 
My dad hollering for me through the megaphone
My son Riley ringing the cow bell

It was amazing
Glad it was too

Because the next few miles
Were hard

Mile 11 
Was unbearable

I was hot
Overheating hot
I was cold
Shivering cold

I was thirsty
So thirsty 
But when I drank
My stomach turned
Like I could wretch at any moment

It was weird

My feet swelled

Blister on the ball of my right foot
Blister on my left 

Dull ache
In the small of my back

My inconsistent training was showing

I wasn't scared
Just really aware that this was going to be a tough one

I didn't get frustrated
'Here goes nothin'

Did I mention how hands down awesome the crowd support was? 

Not only were there great volunteers every step of the course
But the locals were out in full force

Making a day of it
Cheering us on

I remembered that from last year
But this year 
I needed them

They gave me the energy I was lacking

Mile by mile passed

Math was running through my head
The cutoff time, my pace, miles finished, miles left...

I ran into an elderly gentleman, 
Running his 27th marathon
He was doing math too
Unsure he'd make it to the finish in time- 

Doubting his strength
He really wanted this race
I told him he could make it
I could tell he had it in him

But he ran on with me
I knew I was holding him back

I slowed 
Had to
He went on ahead
Somehow I knew he'd make it

(And he did
My folks kept seeing him along the way
And watched him cross the finish 
Big hug from his wife
Thrilled to have met his goal)
Mile 19 
Made me the happiest

I was very tense, 
My running was labored
I was melting
The tiny drops on my skin made me feel like I was going numb
The sensation of your foot going to sleep 
Only it's your whole body
And it's a mirage
Because you're not

Then I turn the corner, 
To see these signs through the fog

The first cracked me up

The second egged me on

And just in time too- 
The bridge I vowed not to walk this year (I'd walked it last year) 

Was just ahead

I made it half way

I don't know what it is about that bridge
That makes me walk

But 1/2 way is progress

Off the bridge- 

And I hear the coolest
Band playing

Some jazzy catchy song about 'getting my mojo back'

They made me believe I could

I can't tell you how awesome it was to hear them play- 

Put a spring in my step 

I ran with hope

I noticed how beautiful the tree lined streets were in the fog

Mile 19 was wonderful
Just wonderful 

The rest of the race was not 
I remember it in slow motion
'Cause it was

I started to hear the sag wagon and sweeper vehicles behind me

An eerie sound

Metal on metal 
Truck steam
Trailer doors opening
The shuffle of race goods

The crowd was thinning on the street too
Only diehards left
Staying to encourage us on

I can't tell you how amazing the people were

Saw my folks
They were still in it
Loved them for That

My hips were burning
My ankles screaming

I knew if I ran I could make it

But I didn't have anything left 
I chose to walk it in

Yes chose
I chose to walk it in

Sag wagon passed

I had so worried last year about that
It wasn't dreadful

They did their thing
I did mine

The mighty troup of worker bees

Each doing their task

I started seeing race finishers
Locals who'd run it
Walking back
Bright green shirts
Beautiful and happy

Many cheered us on
High five-ing us to keep going
Walked back to his house
And stopped to offer aid
As we were now on our own

I say 'we' because
I was not alone
There were others 
Whose race had slowed, but not stopped

It was like we were marching to the finish

One guy's name was Luke, 
We finally struck up a conversation
After walking it silently

You always worry
That a walker is broken 
Too much emotion or sadness is hard

But he wasn't 
I wasn't

It was his 3rd
Mine too

On we marched
Happy to know someone else wasn't quitting

We finally made it to where we could see the finish shute

Roads were back open now
Traffic bustling by

We stopped on the other side to wait for a walk light to cross

It was surreal

Ghost town

I thought I'd choke up
Kick myself
Puddle of self loathing


This was all I had
I knew it

You live and die on the back of your training

I knew it

A twinge settled in my throat

And then I heard it



Yes- cheering

A little boy yelling us in
"Come on! You got this! Come on! You're so close!"
"You're doing it- you're going to finish a marathon!!!!!"

His mom clapping 
He was cheering on the top of his lungs

Willing us to finish strong

I was humbled 
In awe that someone I didn't know would cheer for my feebleness

I wish I had a taken a picture 
But even now I can still see him
Standing by the barricades
Hand outstretched to 'high five' me
Happily cheering me in

(I found out later from my folks, that this family stays every year- cheering til the last marathoner comes in- absolutely amazing people- I get choked up now just thinking of it)

My parents rushed towards me

We walked the finish together 

It was done

I finished

I want to say


But I can't 
As my son and I were traveling through the airport back to New Mexico, we chatted about the experience.

I expected him to, with childlike honesty, tell me just how boring it is to watch a slow runner fail to meet the time cut off. 

But he didn't 
He was talking about next year
How it would be my youngest kiddo Molly's turn to watch me run-

What she would love 
How I'd surely be faster

And how cool it would be


Tennille said…
You captured it. Great pics!
Heather, your recap gave us goosebumps. Congratulations on your race; we're proud of you!

-TCM Staff
Heather said…
Thanks so much – TCM is truly an amazing race-
should be on every runner's 'bucket list'
I know I'll be back- I'm already starting to plan for next year!

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